Garten of peakpeak was too hard, but thank god, this one is way easier

No seriously, this game is really solid, and honestly succeed at what he attended to do: this is a REALLY tough as nail shoot and up, working on the concept of changing color to avoid damage from certain colored bullet, and this great ! It forces you to keep attention on what is going on in the game, it make the action super ectic, it allow the level design to be really creative...and the just a blast, notably due to this great concept (and of course, the great visual and soundtrack compliment the awesome gameplay)

Not a lot to say: just a very good shoots and up, and the only reason why it doesnt get more just because im not that much of a shoots and up person, but otherwise, if you are into ultra hard and endearing japanese shoots and up, GO PLAY IT

Oh boy, do I not enjoy this game

Look, this just poorly designed to me : sure the concept is cute, the copy mecanic is very well implemented, the gimmicks are solid and sometimes, the level design is really enjoyable, but men, most of the level design isnt good: often Time, a section will require a powerup to clean it, but you may die, and lose the powerup, making the levl way more frustating that it should be, and sometimes, the level design doesnt go well with the physics, physics who are really inconsistent to me: sometimes, they will allow me to do what the game told me it will do (with the dot path), but sometimes, it just doesnt for some reason, and kirby will fly past the enemy or the course

I didnt enjoy my time with the game, thats it...and yet i completed it...and all i got was a piss easy king dedede fight


i could make a serious review

i could

but all im going to say is that the flying chair was refreshingly spooky

anyway, i gotta go give away my pancreas to make this game win GOTY 2023

Dang, its just a shame that i really dont like how this game control, because otherwise, this game is really solid

Yeah, even if i think its more of a me problem, the game is really clunky to me: like, sometimes, the game flow incredibly well (helped by the fact that the level design is really solid), i usually had trouble Pulligny off what i wanted to do....or just...moving around. Like, i cant really explain why, but i thought that the game had really mediocre control...but i cant really explain how...but i can sure say that the camera is just, i truly wasnt expecting this camera to be so abysmall, but it really didnt help me with those control

But, despite all of this, i still enjoy this game : notably due to the charm that it has: the cell-shading artstyle, and the awesome soundtrack, and really cooky character and plot really give life and personality to this game. i mean, they litteraly send the military against teen on a daily basis in this world, whats not to love ? But yeah, this game truly have the dreamcast charm

And again, the level design is really good: i just wished we had a way to play in the entirety of the map freely, just to mess around and trying (insisting on trying) to pull off some sick tricks

But again, not a fan on how it plays, but im sure that bomb rush cyberfunk will fix this issue, and i cannot wait to play this game

We all have a game where we just...disconnect our brain, just to get transported into a confortable and charming universe, carried by a easy, and yet endearing gameplay and a cosy experience

Kirby and the forgotten land is one of this game

Its not my favorite kirby game (kirby 64 goes so hard), but this is probably the most casual and yet charming game on the entire series

All of that is due to 4 aspect

1: the kirby universe, of course, still filled with those lovable nugget of a cast that i want to hug until I cry

2: as per usual, a impeccable presentation, that honestly reach PS4 level of visual ( the opening cutscene alone solidifie this), with incredible models, texture, lighting and animation, that put most Switch game to shame. I can also note the very neat setting of this...abandonned earth like place, that allows a lot of creativity in the visual, visual that are, of course, tag along a awesome ost

3: a very simple, and yet effective gameplay, that make kirby a joy to control, with his usual panel of transformation, that you can now upgrade to became a even more unstopabble beast. Kirby can also, of course, inhale various item in the level, such as car, or distributor, to make this game goofy, but also more fresh at the same time. And kirby can also be helped by non other than bandana waddle dee, who have a entirely different moveset, allowing him to help kirby in this exciting aventure

4. A cosy, and yet endearing level design, that is now one of the most unic in the franchise... know, this game is fully 3d now, and the levels follow a similar structure than in mario 3d World: very linear, but unlike mario 3d world, a lot of secrets are also spread around, secret that can hide a secret challenge, waddle dee to save, trophies, or food....and this great ! The levels are really simple, but are a joy to traverse, and i just wished that this game was longer, just so i could have even more quality time with kirbo

This game also have a hub, filled with content, and with a place where kirby can sleep...and kirby can also wave at waddle dee's...ok this game is incredible

Also waddle dee's nut

This game is honestly kinda odd, because it has at the same time some amazing aspect, that managed to stood the test of time, coupled with elements that clearly show their ages, making this one kind of a slog to get throught a Time

Like, something that will never be praised enough with this game is the world and exploration that come with it: the world IS amazingly well design, especially for its time : It's not a gigantic world, sure, but it didnt have to be : in fact, the smaller scale world invite you to go back at the same area multiple with better equipment to discover new secret that were previously unreachable. Plus, I love exploring hyrule here: the really good soundtrack, the pleasing visual, the little quest you can take part of, the wonderful world design...all of that coupled with the great moveset and a very detailled map, who make perfect use of the mod 7, make this game a joy to travers

Not only that, but this game features two entire world to explore ! And the introduction of that second world is perfect: just when you think you are about to beat the last dungeon, you gain access to a mirror, who grant you access to a alternate reality, a more demonic version of the main world, where evil seemingly took over the entire world. The first time you get there, you only have access at a small portion of the alternate mountain, making you wonder and excited about the rest of this second world...once you go back to the normal World, you beat the third dungeon, the 7 princess ask you to free them from the 7 dungeon in the alternate, and you will have full access on the alternate world afterward (even thought you also need to break free from the rabbit form you have in the alternate world at first)

And thats after that point that the game truly show some weakness : and the big one is that...this game never give you any clue ! Indeed, sometimes, you will have to gain some item, or have to do a special action to continue on the game, but the problem is, for 3/4 of the time, the game doesnt help you at all about what to do, and will let you struggle like a idiot, and honestly, it's not fun, because , half the time, when you finally understand how to go throught a certain section, you just think to yourself : "what the actual hell?" So yeah, more often than not, the game just refuse to give you indication, and not in a good way like elden ring (unfair comparaison i know), making it less fun that it could have been

Also, i hate how the game seemed to give you a choice on which order you can take the 7 dungeon, but for the most part, you need to follow the order to gain item who are located in previous dungeon. And honestly ? If you combine this with the not so great dungeon design in this part of the game, and the very mixed bag boss quality, it make the second part of the game as a whole not as fun as it could have been

Anyway, the first part of this game is amazing, and make you excited for the rest of it, the second part is a slight let down for me

Thought, if we need to remember something, is how important this game is for gaming as a whole, introducing various element for the open world genre of game, that are still used to this day, for how amazing and revolutionary they were

this game is really sweet, really cute, and it has good vibe and i like it

i. Love. The artstyle of this one: the woolly word (hehe) this game present is so unic and charming, and it makes everything from the yoshi universe somehow cuter than ever

I for one also like the soundtrack a lot: sure, it isnt as great than in yoshi's island, but its so cosy and, again, charming as hell

another things i like with this game is how it controls: unlike with the og yoshi island, that had a great flow, yes, but surrounded with sloppy controls, this game have very responsive control, and a good moveset that, puts together, create the most enjoyable yoshi game ever conceived (to me at least)

the level design, while not mind blowing, is also very solid, all distinguished from the other with creative gimmicks or platforming challenge

the collectathon element of the previous game are still present, but with the added yoshi wool? idk, that allow you to unlock various skin for yoshi, while adding more substance to every level

this game is really simple, hence why it's "only" a 7/10 game for me, but it still a game that gave me a good time overall

Yeah sorry, i tried so hard to like this game...but...idk i just dont like it

Like, i think its a quality game, but its just not for me, and im going to explain my point of you now

First of...i dont like the presentation. Look, the artstyle itself is good, but the background looks so much stale and the assets all to me for some reason.

The music, in the meantime, is cruelly mid, which is a crime for a Megaman game. Yeah, nothing else to say

The gameplay, meanwhile, feels off as well. Megaman seems...oddly floaty to me? Like, i cant explain it, but i just dont like how megaman control

The level design, while a improvment from og megaman one, is now...bland ? But unlike with megaman x, it doesnt have stellar presentation to save the level from being forgettable. props for them to try to make a visual overall for each of them tho : i really like the idea behind cutman's stage visual overall

Something that i also appreciate are the overall the robot master received: not only they each received a new personality, they all have at least one new attack, making them more interesting, even if they still tend to spam attack. Shoutout to the new megaman boss that was implementad if you chose to play another robot master... because yeah, you can play as the robot master once you beat them now... honestly, a pretty neat addition

I have not a lot to say about the level editor: i dont like how you unlock element, but i still enjoy the idea and the execution

So yeah, this game, even if its a good remake (because it manage to propose something new and interesting with the original concept), the execution is, to me at least, rather bleh

This game is great, really....but honestly ? I thought i would love it more . Sorry, my favorite metroidmania is still super metroid right now

Obviously, there is outsanding part in this game: the exploration is even more better that in super metroid, the visual and soundtrack are amazing, the level design is decent, and incorporate element you can only access later really well, and all the location are mémorable, but idk... sometimes, the movement of the character, even if its usually really fluid, can sometimes feel a lil jank? Dont get me wrong, the game plays really well, but sometimes, it doesnt react how i thought it would be, and not in a good way

Also i thought that some boss just werent fun: too easy, too frustating, or just boring...its a minority, of course, but they drag the experience down

And yeah, even if the game usually is great at giving subtle direction, sometimes, it just doesnt, and you are just lost...

I didnt meant to bitch that much, especially because the game is incredible, so im just going to praise it now:

Ok, this game, if you avoid the lil inconvenience i listed, is just a joy to play! I really enjoy the story, the feel, and just pure fun and intricate exploration, even when i am clueless ! Like i said, all the location are great and distinct, despite all taking place on a cave, and are, for the most part, really enjoyable, with interesting enemy design, good and varied level design, and for the most part solid bossfight

This game is honestly really good, despite my little disappointment, and you should obviously check it out

Before reading this : keep in mind i am super bias toward mkwii

MK8 dlx is the best mario kart. What a shock

Despite the fact that i dont have that same personal conection toward it that i have with mk Wii: i cant deny: mk8 deluxe is just...better

First off, the control: they are flawless ! MK8 is probably the most technical game on the franchise, but they are incredibly easy to pick up, and yet stay super satysfying to master: they feel incredible to use, thats it

The base game track are obviously incredible : they all look great, have incredible level design, variety, and i dont think there is a single stinker here. Ribbon road, mount Wario, electrodrome, cloudtop cruise, 64 rainbow road, big blue...they all are fantastic, and all feature incredible soundtrack. They are just good, ok?

The battle mod in deluxe is also really good: it still have a forced timer, but it has a lot of fun gamemode and Arena...but let me précise...IN. DELUXE. NOT THE BASE 8 >:(

all of that seems fantastic already, but couple that with the lackluster, yes, but still welcomed booster course pass, and some recent update (new item system) and we truly have the ultimate mario kart now

I dont really have complain here, even if i still prefer ctr nf and that i have a personal connection with mkwii, i cant deny the greatness of this game

Is there actually anything to say

Like, i wont even try to explain all the layer and genius turn took by the story, the message, the lore, the philosophe, and especially the theme, because not only my policy is to avoid spoilers, but also because i think i wont be able to make it justice, by how brillant, smart, emotional and flawless all of those element are...some scene made me feel so sad...some made me smile so hard...and some of those moment were just gameplay moment !

I...just cant. Even if the story take weird shortcute in one specific place i wont spoil, its just...too good

All the three major campaign are incredible : first one start to implement all the great thème, and is already a solid game by itself, the second one is a great expansion of those theme...and the third one is just...exceptionnal

Again, no spoil, i dont want to spoil you anything

Couple that with a incredible gameplay (sure the combat system is simple, but thats not a bad thing : hell, elden ring got simple combat system too), the moveset just flow so well, and the level design is only limited by weird invisible wall that prevent some potentially some shortcut. All the area are great too, with interesting lore in all of them, with varied kind of machine used, for the most part, in amazing way (except maybe the desert one, who felt a bit underused). The villain are, without spoiling, all interesting and carry all the theme incredibly well

Sometimes, the game is way to easy, and sometimes, the exploration is a bit limited, and ok, sometimes, the game have some technical issue, but the theme just carry this game, they are incredible, and i wont even talk about them here

Discover them yourself

Glory to all mindkind

This game is terrible...and i ironically like it a lot...

Like obviously, it doesnt deserve a good rating or whatsoever (the only good thing about it is the présentation, althought the texture arent great), because its just a glorified techdemo for the motion plus, but...despite the terrible level design, due to the very uninteresting and restricting control, i still like this game ironically, because its just fun to laugh at how bad it, its not terrible, per say, but like, from a design standpoint, its just so unremarkable and repetitive...and yet...i found it funny...

Ok i just dont know how to describe this game, because...its a fucking meme

The game looks amazing, like unironically, the artstyle is one of the best i ever saw...but, my god, the game is unplayable

the concept is super simple : you create vine platform in real time, while ivy walk non stop, and you have to navigate him with those platform, by bouncing him or just by allowing him to walk over obstacle. problem is: i found that the hitbox of the vine are too small, so you can create unecessary platform by accident, that might obstruate the path that you tryed to create, and mess your timing up

doesnt help that ivy walk quite fast, and the game is, to me at least, unplayable ( i played both the wii and mobile version, and both as the same problem)

definition of amazing concept, but poor execution...a shame, cause the game is ruined by a issue that can be so easely fix


In my first review, i havent gave justice to this ovni of a video game, and i will try to do a better job of reviewing it

This game isnt really a game...but more like a visual and music spectacle, in which you control a program infiltrating a virus before killing his core...i know, it sound super simple, and thats because the gameplay is simple: its a railshooter where you hace two kind of weapon: your traditional laser, that will receive upgrade once you hit enough blue orb, and will need you to lock manually on a enemy to hit him, and a overdrive, that Can be activited only if you hit the red orb, and that will lock and shoot at all enemy automaticelly.

Yeah, the game, despite having rly great boss fight doesnt shine with the gameplay...but with the aesthetic ! You are just navigating in this virtual World, super simple and yet full of detail, and its just...mesmerising. couple with the very atmospheric and incredible music, it immerge you to this world like no other game

Because, despite being more a visual spectacle than a game, it wouldnt be the same if it was just a shortfilm, because the interactivity just add in the immersion and sense of wonder (also i love the fact that the lock on sound effect is a percussion one...its just so good for the atmosphere

Idk men, my review is a mess because...i dont have word to describe this...experience

I already really liked this game before...but now? Its just phenomenal

Btw, i kinda lie for the simple story....i will let you play area 5

Most epic game i have ever played