Amazing game with little flaws, although clunky and/or
straight up broken in some aspects.

So far pretty dang good but I havent gotten into late game yet

Pretty much perfection, no janky shit and no unfair bs. Amazing all the way through and I definetly shed a tear at the end, whever out of pain or satisfaction.

I love this game!
Not the mountaintops :(

Mixed relationship, but it's still pikmin, so it's pretty damn good


why i am i doing this to myself

It's tough to reccomend due to some jankiness and unfair bs... but I freaking love this game. Truly made out of love for the souls-like genre.

Souls-like monster hunter. Pretty damn good with a few hiccups.

One of, if not THE, best roguelike ever made. Never gets old.

Terraria with mods. What else to add?

A fangame thats better than the already masterpiece source material...?
If you can handle the difficulty and pain, that is :(