With this game being my first ever dive into the series, I didn't know what to expect of this game at first. However, what I was given was so much more than what I expected. The graphics is beautiful, the sound design is immaculate, the characters are cheesy and fun, and, most of all, the gameplay is phenomenal. I love this game, and I'll definitely check out more of this series.

I began playing this game due to someone very close to me recommending it to me (if you're reading this: hello, hon :) <3). and I do not regret it one bit. The game's aesthetics are all so, so damn good and enjoyable, and the gameplay is fun, albeit punishing and luck-based (neither of which are bad qualities in my eyes). I love this game to bits, and I can't wait to continue playing this with them.

I used to play this game all the damn time when I was little, replaying the whole game on a daily basis for who knows how long. After returning to this game many years later and replaying it, I am very delighted to say that my love for this game is not only the same, but it increased, somehow. It's unfortunate what happened to the series as a whole, but this game (and the 2nd entry, from what I heard) is still amazing and very much worth your time.


Where do I even begin? The soundtrack is phenomenal; the artstyle is simply incredible; the combat is fast paced, responsive, fun; the characters are endearing and charming (especially my boi Zagreus); the replayability of this game is really damn fun with difficulty modifiers that spice up the gameplay; and the writing (this goes both for the story and the dialogue) is just really damn good. I wholeheartedly recommend this game to everyone, even if you haven't really played roguelikes. Trust me, it's a perfect start to the genre and it'll make you fall in love with the genre in an instant.

While I'm not a huge PVP FPS guy, Siege (and a few other games) captured me and keeps me coming back. The variety of playstyles in the forms of different operators, the well-designed maps and the many ways one can win a match makes for some really interesting, fun and often-times intense matches. The only reason this game gets a 4.5 from me is due to performance issues that I experience on an infrequent basis, which can really kill my enjoyment.

It's been a while since I played this game, but that still won't change the fact just how expansive and full of fun content this game is. Playing this all by myself back in the day was fun, but now that I actually bought the game and can play it with loved ones, it became a lot more fun. So, get together with a few friends and grind away on this game, because, trust me, it's very worth your time and money.

I expected this game to be nothing more than a goofy, over-the-top game with polished and fun as hell gameplay and a really, really good soundtrack. While I got all of those, what I also discovered was a strong political commentary, especially in the form of Senator Armstrong. This game is short, fun and overall very well worth your money and time.

What applied to the first game applies here as well, except tenfold. The visuals are still as immaculate with an amazing aesthetic and pretty as hell spritework, the gunplay is just as fun and the soundtrack is even better, (which I thought was impossible at first) and the gameplay is as fun as it is punishing. However, this game isn't just a new coat of paint on a well-working formula, for this game improved many things compared to the first game: The story is amazing with the timeline jumping all over the place, with actual characters that we care about pushing the story forward. The maps are huge and insanely well-designed that yearn to be memorized. Overall, this game is amazing and the replay value is just amazing. This and Undertale (quite a jump in tonal jump, I know) made my teenage years so damn enjoyable.

If you're looking for a short and fast paced game packed to the brim with satisfying as hell and very well executed (albeit punishing at times) gameplay, an amazing soundtrack and a great aesthetic, then this game might just be for you.

I still have not finished this game because I simply got bored of it the first time around for...some reason. It might be the release of GoW: Ragnarok or something, but I have a desire to play this game again, because the time I did spend with this game was really damn good.

This game was my first entry into the series, and damn. The combat was insanely intense and fun, the graphics were charming, the voice acting was good and this game was just fun overall. The only criticism I could have towards this game is the fact that you had to complete way too many puzzles in my opinion. It's not that they were hard, it's just that they kinda killed the flow of the game. But, they didn't diminish my enjoyment of the game overall.

I'm not a huge horror guy, with this game being my first real dive into the genre. I've been eyeing this game for quite a while, plus I watched a let's play series of this game when I was younger, so I thought I'd be okay. Boy, was I wrong, lmao. I was scared shitless in the first hourish, but looking back at it, that part was just as amazing as everything else was. The gunplay felt nice, the graphics are good, the writing is really damn good and the atmosphere of this game is just...chef's kiss.

Same as Judgment, I tried to beat this game but I'm still burnt out by the series, so I'm putting this to the side for now. However, this game is also fantastic from the little time I played it.

I remember playing this game when I was just before high school, so I had to have been about 14-15 when I did so, and I'll always cherish all the time I spent interacting either with the game or the fandom.

After completing Yakuza 0-6 pretty much back to back, it's safe to say that I got a bit burnt out by the series. I'll 100% be returning to it, of course, because what I played was fantastic.