it's like the first one but i liked it more

the camera upsets me greatly, but mgs3 is a masterpiece

SOOOOOOOO unfinished, but also the most fun stealth game ever??!?!??

kinda wish this game did a better job of explaining what happened during peacewalker, considering how peacewalker is kinda inaccessible.

came for the compelling gameplay and incredible story, stayed for the booty, yeah, im a real freak, just lmk. xP

insufferable story, fun with friends!

4 of the most entertaining hours of my teenaged life.

the bangerest of bangers in hack n' slash / beat em' up gaming.

didn't go into this one expecting tears.

docked half a star for majima everywhere. i feel very complexly about that mechanic.

freakuza. play on easy, this one isn't very fun.