Could not get through this game. Sonic 2 is so much better it's not even funny

Seems like a very visual spectacle sort of game. Doesn't really hold up imo. The PS4 remake probably makes it better. I only got to the seventh colossus before quitting.

The things this game has to say are not said well and are problematic both in content and execution and overall it kind of leaves a sour taste in your mouth, but damn if it isn't an incredibly fun game.

Great game. The poster here is perfect lol. The artstyle, music, gameplay, level design, co-op, single player, everything. This is just a really good charming platformer. 'nuff said.

struggled forever to beat the boss of Mario Zone. Couple parts of the game are super frustrating, most of the game is trivially easy. The graphics are quite good for a Game Boy game, but not super interesting. Super Mario Land 1 is better imo

I don't know if it's the gameplay or just bad on-boarding, but I couldn't get into it. Sucks because I love this game's vibe. It would certainly be better as a hack and slash game

Fuck RPG Maker XP. Fuck fuck fuck. That is not controller support. Just remove the option entirely, please. I don't know how much of this is To The Moon and how much is RPG Maker XP, but here are a couple problems.

1. no 8-directional movement
2. movement is all in blocks
3. plenty of blocks can't be moved into but that's not immediately obvious.
4. There's no grid so you can't actually see the blocks
5. Unlike with a mouse where you can just mouse over everything, with a controller you're forced to just go in front of everything and see if it's anything important
6. Movement is SLOW. I assume it's that way with a mouse too, but at least then you're not pressing down the whole time and trying to ascertain if something is a wall or not.

But if To The Moon was a good game then none of that would be a problem. Hell, I was perfectly fine dealing with that throughout the game once I got passed the starting because I thought that it was going somewhere interesting. After all the dialogue was well-written and everyone said it's a tearjerker and I like that and the ending is supposed to be the best part of the game. This sounds like exactly my type of game, right?

Fuck that. The best part of this game is act two which is anyway essentially a worse version of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The ending is so bad. SPOILERS AHEAD

So after all the Eternal Sunshine bullshit (fantastic movie btw) we get the most annoying plot device that's in everything. "Time is running out, I don't have time to explain my plan to you." The female lead then goes rogue and apparently stops Joey from getting hit by the car thus leaving his memories and his love for the stars. She then ALSO for no apparent reason moves River so that Johnny can't ask her on a date. This for some reason leads to Johnny becoming an astronaut and having no contact with her and there's a long montage being all bittersweet and trying to impart the message that brothers are more important than lovers before psych! She became an astronaut too, what were the odds. What the FUCK. First of all, fucking tell him the plan rather than leaving him trying to stop you because it looks like you're going to be an ass and ruin his life by sending him to the moon while making her have no contact with him. Second, why couldn't they go on the same trajectory just without his brother getting hit by a car? He still meets her and looks at the stars with her and thus gains a love for the stars, maybe you encourage it a bit in other ways, they stay in love, he becomes an astronaut, done! The plot makes no sense.END SPOILERS

Oh and I forgot to mention. The gameplay sucks. I'm not sure how much better it might be with a mouse since there would be less of it thanks to more automated movement, but at least without it there's just enough gameplay to be frustrating rather than a visual novel with less choice than the ones I've played provide.

In conclusion, To The Moon is a mediocre game with good dialogue and some other good elements but it mostly fails as a game especially when playing with a controller. Could probably be made into a decent book with a lot of editing, not sure. If you're going to play this, at the very least use a mouse rather than a controller, but I wouldn't bother playing at all.

I like the world and characters, but not the gameplay. This game could use a proper remake rather than just a remaster.

The game that started it all. As is often the case, it's been done better since (eg Metroid: Zero Mission), but this is a pretty good metroidvania too

I just... I don't get this game. I tried to play it, it doesn't make sense. So you do these missions collecting recon on your target and you're supposed to be all stealthy and everything, but then when you get to your target, it doesn't let you sneak up and kill them. Instead it then starts a cutscene where all the info you've gathered is now useless and guards are aware of your presence and you can't close in and I just don't get it. I tried playing this game, I got somewhat far, but it never clicked. This game needed better on-boarding. Good story stuff though. I like how it started the franchise.

I'm not going to say this game is amazing because it's not, but it's really comfortable and from what I understand, that's what Dragon Quest games are all about. Compelling story, good mechanics, and most crucially, incredibly good on-boarding. I find that a lot of RPGs have a real problem with that, but this game gets it right and is never overwhelming or boring. Highly recommended.

The biggest problem with this game is the tutorial. The game doesn't do a great job teaching you how its movement mechanics work and you end up running everywhere full-speed and jumping up random things you don't want to jump up because you don't realize the difference between running with R and running with R and A so you end up jumping when you don't want to because you shouldn't be holding down A unless you want to be jumping soon. Also the game can be a bit wonky with how it interprets which direction you want to jump.

Still, this is a great game and a fantastic starting point to the franchise. This was my first Assassin's Creed game and I'd recommend it to everyone. You do not have to play the earlier games first, just jump right in. Beware that the starting is kind of boring especially your first three quests for your family, but once you get past that and the game really starts, this game takes off and is awesome. There's a reason this is many people's favorite Assassin's Creed game. If you want a taste of what Assassin's Creed is all about, they made a live action short film that kind of covers a little bit before the game and the starting of the game and it's fantastic, check it out:

Very deep gameplay and very deep story, but they're not meshed together well. Constant unskippable cutscenes that if you want to challenge yourself with the gameplay, you have to go through over and over again, and if you try to just stick with the story, the game forces you to delve into the gameplay with various missions so you can't just go on easy and ignore it (plus why would you want to when there's so much to bite into). Ultimately this game needs a proper remaster or really just a 3DS port with some small changes, but 3DS is dead now so it's getting ports to single screen systems where it misses the dual screen gameplay that's an integral part of the game.

In conclusion, The World Ends With You is a flawed game. There's a lot of great stuff in it, but it's unpolished and needs some more work that it sadly never got.

The writing in this game is incredibly good and really makes you care about all the characters and such. I especially liked the relationship between the protagonist and his daughter.