hey lois this is just like the time we got stranded on tallon IV after the chozos died

This actually happened to my buddy Ed once

HAL Laboratory had just finished work on Kirby Triple Deluxe, and they had a question on their mind. What if Kirby was interesting and fun? They immediately got to work and ended up making Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe. Planet Robobot is a close second, though.

The epitome of my game collection. If I had to pick two things that I hate in video games, I would have to say “anime stuff” and rpgs. So best believe that when I say an anime looking rpg is one of my favorite games of all time, I mean it. One of the few games that I actually take the time out of my day to read all the dialogue, despite me having a zoomer attention deficit brain. I love the story, I love the characters, I love the gameplay, I love the atmosphere. Genuine near perfect game.

Grandpa's life is about to change forever.

Really just a perfect tech demo for a system. I honestly don't think that the Wii could've done a third of its sales without this one game. It's not a deep game, but each of the five sports uses the wiimote and nunchuck in different ways and leads to 200+ games that do what this game does but worse.

do you think the guy that made this knew that seaman would exist

This game is so fucking funny. How did this even happen? I love playing this game every now and then to remind myself that no matter how apathetic I can be, I could always try less.

great games ofc and has a ton of cool things with it but it’s literally just an snes rom. like JUST and snes rom. In the controls screen it shows an snes controller. their asses did NOT care

played the Wii remake and I can’t even imagine playing it with a GameCube controller. Feels so good with a Wiimote and nunchuck and is an amazing way to play an amazing game. pikmin 2 and 4 sweeps though

I really fucking hate how much I love this game. You haven’t lived until you’ve played the Luigi’s Mansion minigame. I throw the word “peak” around a lot but this is it. I want to give it over a 7 but I really can’t live with myself giving it an 8

you have to pay to go faster

would be a 10 if link between worlds didn’t exist this game is the dictionary definition of peak

Everything a GameBoy game should really be. There’s like 150 levels, and they’re all just short puzzles you can pick up at any time. The regular arcade game is a nice bonus, but everything else is weirdly good and original

donkey kong country will never retur

Easily one of my favorite games of all time. It’s such a nice and cozy game to play for three months straight and then forget about it until your town has turned into a cannibal’s paradise. Usurps every other game in the series with its endless content, including my personal favorite thing in the game, the fishing island that you can rack up 200,000 bells worth of bugs and fish in like 30 minutes, invest them into turnips, and then creating my own capitalist world to sell Tom Nook a house to ask him how it feels now. Fuck.