you have to pay to go faster

bitches out here saying that they’ve lived when they haven’t played dk jungle climber on ds

would be a 10 if link between worlds didn’t exist this game is the dictionary definition of peak

donkey kong country will never retur

Easily one of my favorite games of all time. It’s such a nice and cozy game to play for three months straight and then forget about it until your town has turned into a cannibal’s paradise. Usurps every other game in the series with its endless content, including my personal favorite thing in the game, the fishing island that you can rack up 200,000 bells worth of bugs and fish in like 30 minutes, invest them into turnips, and then creating my own capitalist world to sell Tom Nook a house to ask him how it feels now. Fuck.

do you think the guy that made this knew that seaman would exist

pretty fun gameplay but there's an insane amount of unnecessary dialogue that makes 60% of your play time just spamming "a" to get through text. the gameplay idea isn't unique, but again, it's pretty good

I really don’t want to hate a game just because the graphics are bad. Luckily, the game is unplayable too. This game is just embarrassing. Really. I want to spend more time in the game because I recognize that the gameplay is solid, but it’s genuinely keeping me from going back to it. The constant low frame rate of 5-10 fps on top of the awful geometry just disappearing all the time really takes you out of the game. It really sucks. I can see the potential of the game because of what new it brings to the series. I know that I would’ve had a great time completing my Pokédex and shiny hunting, but as soon as I was done with the game it just felt like a relief. I hate playing this game, and that’s the worst a game can be to me.

there’s like 20 amazing games in this collection. I paid $15 for it in 2017 and they still keep adding stuff for free. There’s a reason why Shovel Knight started this big indie revolution. There were games like Cave Story that did what Shovel Knight did but 10 years earlier, however this game really started something. It proved that there was a BIG market for these kinds of games. Shovel of Hope, Plague of Shadows, and Spector of Torment are all must play games. These games aren’t just “oh it (x series) was an nes game”. These are all their own and unique games that you can’t find anywhere else. Don’t let the 8bit indie graphics fool you, this is not nostalgia bait. It’s nearly been a decade since the game has been released, and honestly I don’t know if we would have some other amazing games like Celeste without this.

HAL Laboratory had just finished work on Kirby Triple Deluxe, and they had a question on their mind. What if Kirby was interesting and fun? They immediately got to work and ended up making Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe. Planet Robobot is a close second, though.


First off, this game looks beautiful. Even on a mid PC, the art style is gorgeous, and maybe my favorite art style of any game I’ve ever played. The gameplay is ridiculously fun. Please buy this game. There’s nothing bad about it that I can even think of. I don’t have any jokes here I just like this game!!!!!!

great games ofc and has a ton of cool things with it but it’s literally just an snes rom. like JUST and snes rom. In the controls screen it shows an snes controller. their asses did NOT care

hey lois this is just like the time we got stranded on tallon IV after the chozos died