Probably the best game on the Ouya.

my disillusionment with the military leaving my body as i boot up this game:

Having now played through a second time (as well as all of Bungie's follow-ups in the series,) I am happy to give CE the close re-evaluation it deserves. Verdict: "It's pretty good actually."

It wasn't until Halo 2 that I was able to meet these games on their own terms. My first playthrough of CE had me seeing it more for its influences than for its own identity. Glad to have that changed for me, I can see what so many players saw in it over 20 years ago.

But it still has those copy-and-paste rooms, the occasional segment you will hit your head against repeatedly, unfairly placed Grunts with fuel rod cannons, Flood with rocket launchers, and a dinky melee with no range that's very difficult to return to after the sequels gave it such a buff. So it ain't all starry eyes from me.

I am a 64DS defender. Additional stars, characters, and areas are all cool, and I am able to enjoy them because I spent years since childhood knowing the ins and outs of how to best approach things in this game with the controls provided.

It's a Source game where you can kick things. How are you not playing it all the time, every day, and right now.

I don't really recommend it, but I don't think that's necessarily the game's fault either. The voice cast is all unknowns and scabs from an industry-wide voice acting strike, and Disney's IP chokehold forced this game to exclude X-Men and Fantastic Four characters for sinister self-serving reasons. This game had everything going against it on its way into the oven, no wonder it leaves half the impression of its predecessor despite double the content.

Takes the foundation of the first game and only adds to it, boasting some awesome new mechanics and some of my favorite enemies and settings in either title. Said it on my review for the previous one, saying it again--come on now EA, why are these games delisted, but fuckin' Mystery P.I. and Vacation Quest get to stay. Give 'em back.

A work of art that taught me what fun is.

Unironically the most rewarding turn-based combat system ever conceived. If only it were still on digital storefronts so people could actually have the chance to see that...

Finished a Pro difficulty run. Not worth the struggle just for a cheevo. Still one of the GOATs regardless. HD Project mod rules. Edit: Have now also beaten Seperate Ways, 100%ing my Steam cheevos.

Where the first game boasts a comfier atmosphere and grander-feeling scope and story, this game went all in on incredible level design and it paid off splendidly. One of the best platformers, period.

As a Zelda fan since age 5... This might be the series entry masterful enough to dethrone Twilight Princess as my favorite. I don't say that lightly, especially as a BotW skeptic. Genuine game of all time material.

Series fans know damn well Mega Man 2 is not the best one (or at least, future amenities like sliding and charge shots must make a game without them hard to go back to), but I felt I had to see this one through to the end anyway, for its cemented place in broader gaming culture and all that. And it doesn't disappoint!

It almost never felt unfairly difficult--most obstacles are fairly telegraphed, and while it stung a bit when I missed out on certain goodies, that was typically on me for not daring the more ambitious path and earning them. But let's get something clear here. Fuck those horizontal murder beam things from the parts where you fall in Quick Man's stage. That shit blows. And so does the Boobeam Trap.

So yeah, not a game free of sin, but so much of the rest of it is fun that I'd still say give it a shot.

Fuck J.K. Rowling. Do not continue to financially support the Harry Potter brand.

Anyway, compared to Years 1-4, this feels "just okay" to me--an unfortunate step down from one of the highlights of classic-style Lego games. The QOL improvements are nice but are applied to stories that much like their respective movies, are drifting away from the whimsical initial selling points of the series and towards more dour circumstances--something I just don't think these games benefit from. It's worth finishing the story after investing in it with Years 1-4, but the 100% reward is now a stud fountain, don't bother going for it.

My go-to game to mention whenever some moron claims the NES has nothing worth going back to. Still one of 2D platforming's all-timers. You don't see full worlds in Mario like Pipe Land anymore.

I'm still not fond of the ways the eSports angle and cosmetics market have affected modern CS, but I have to admit something. The Follow Crosshair setting makes the game wayyyy more bearable for me.

I'm about to get seriously addicted to CS again, and that's gonna carry me through the wait for some of October's new releases.