this is a really really fun multiplayer game and i think everyone aught to give it a chance. it's super easy to understand and surprisingly no one person will just dominate from pure skill after a few rounds. it really levels out and i love that about this game

i wanted to play this game since i saw jacksepticeye play it when i was 12 but i will likely never open it

puzzles were so much fun. i played this across several months with several people and figuring it out with people around me was a blast. a couple of things were a little too hard and kind of silly but in total just great. i do want to try and find and do the challenge tho. maybe

i bought this game for my birthday and it was kind of a miss. i'm sure this is fantastic for all kirby fans and i can feel the joy oozing from this one but it's j not for me sadly

this was a major hit. a perfect continuation of the series that seems to be more catered to me in every way. story is 3 times better at least, the music, the snowy aesthetic, the VILLAIN omg the villain. love this and cannot wait for spiderman 2

a great game, beautiful, easy to understand, all the puzzles are great and the combat is fluid. challenges are fun and challenging. you should give this a shot.

maybe i'll come back to this but it's just a puzzle game and not a fantastic one at that

i should stop giving out 5/5s but man this game... i'll recommend this game until the day i die, i have never been more relaxed than i was with this game. i'll always love the soundtrack, the characters, the feel... i love a short hike.

this game is so great, i absolutely adored it and getting all the achievements was so much fun. 10/10 would recommend. slow start but man once you're in it you're in it.

for how much i thought about this game as a kid i can't believe how little i played it. it's a fantastic game that everyone shoudl try even if you're not into RPGs

this is a strange one. recommended by riyan, i see the thoughts behind it and im sure the sequel is a great improvement but i just got bored bro. this was j boring. i will not be returning for all achievements

i meant to go for all the achievements but never did and don't anticipate actually doing it. brooks did tho that was cool. i did like this game, it was a fun platformer even if i got lost every once in a while

silly fun from like eighth grade, but i could recommend it now.

i actually really like this when it works, it just rarely does with my friend group