The second half ruins almost everything established in the first half of the game. Simple, logical puzzles turn into incredibly hard, moon logic tripe. An intriguing and personal tale gives way to trite conspiracies and turns into a total mess ending with an unsatisfying thud.

This game is incredibly buggy and has not withstood the test of time. Not that it looked particularly great on release either especially when compared to Arkham Knight which was released fairly close to this. After trying my best to get out of an egregious, boundary clipping glitch, I've abandoned all attempts at visiting this title.

A beautiful platformer Metroidvania that is incredibly satisfying to play through with a huge world to explore and lots of powerups to find and use. The only issues are the nearly non-existent "combat" and the lack of any boss battles.

One of the most original premises out there. Play as a flying head that docks onto robots exploring a metroidvania 80s themed future space station with groovy music and rad graphics.

The gameplay is unique to say the least. You fly around as a disembodied head with jets in your neck and dock into robots of various colors, each color unlocking a different section of the map because of their rank and access level. The graphics are gorgeous with a well realised, technopunk 80s aesthetic and some inspired art direction.

The gameplay is a little lacking since the aiming feels imprecise and can cause you to frequently miss shots and lose. The BIGGEST caveat when playing this game is the fact that it feels unfinished. There are only 2 major bosses in the game and when defeating the second one, the game ends ABRUPTLY. There's very little resolution and you'd find yourself wanting more of the game yet the only thing left to do is find any rooms you might have missed to get 100% completion

Limbo this is not. It tries to ape the success of its predecessor and falls flat. Fake tension during chases, simplistic puzzles that are usually one of two archetypes and a ridiculous and stupid story let this game down heavily. It's far too short for the price too and the quality is just not there.

A light cheap little toy game that you'll plough through in an hour. It could be a great lateral thinking puzzle for kids who would get a lot more time out of this game.


50 levels, minimal graphics, nice ambient audio and an hour of game time. I spent about a dollar on this and it was well worth it

This is a fantastic puzzle game that requires heavy use of wits, environmental clues and combining rules and earlier puzzles. If you're the kind of person that solves Sudoku puzzles for fun, you may LOVE this game. If you like puzzle games in general, I recommend you check it out.

I highly recommend it for it's beautiful story, great characters and some great emotional moments along the way. Visuals are the usual RPG Maker variety that work well and do their job.


I have no idea what the hype was all about. This does not deserve awards and accolades.

What it is, is a perfectly serviceable and fairly enjoyable little adventure game where you play as the duo of a cat and a trusty bot. It's a fairly good looking game though nothing too special. There's some really nice music along the way though I didn't find the background score to be particularly memorable. Gameplay is mostly light puzzle solving, some stealth sections and some chase sequences. There's a few emotional moments along the way and a couple of memorable characters but most of the story beats don't really hit as well as they could have. The plot is simply a classism allegory which is executed fairly clumsily and treads on a lot of heavily trodden tracks. What makes it hit even less is you play as a cat that should really be completely disconnected from any of what's happening. This is not your concern at all. The game tries and, personally, fails to have any stakes for the cat itself because you are consuming the story beats and character dialog through a robot instead and well, you're a freaking cat.

All in all, this did not deserve all the fuss but is by no means a bad game. It's perfectly enjoyable for what it is

Frog Detective encounters his hardest case yet! Twists and turns, betrayals and burglaries, will he come on top of it all? Of course he will! As is expected of the second best detective!

A short but extremely effective journey of a person trying to find shelter in a post apocalyptic landscape. It's very much a Limbo/Inside inspired game though the conceit here is you're piloting a quaint little rundown land ship and feeding it fuel, hoisting the sails and other tasks to keep it running. There's barely any challenge since fuel is fairly abundant and the puzzles are barely worth mentioning but, of course, the challenge isn't really the point. The music and the gorgeous art elevate this greatly and you do feel very attached to your ship as your only companion in a desolate world.

It's a very bog standard anime romance story. Predictable and cliched to the bone. But it's executed well enough that I wasn't really too bored through it though I wish it had some restraint in how much it leaned into the same tired tropes. Pacing suffers a lot especially towards the last third and this could really have been cleaned up more.

In terms of gameplay, you're primarily controlling a ship and exploring a solar system, hopping between points of interest and expending fuel. There's a bit of randomness in terms of the encounters you get and their outcomes but upgrades that you get pretty early on let you pass most of the checks. The only real "challenge" is in conserving your exploration kits to get all the loot in all the systems but this is fairly inconsequential other than collecting lore bits. You need money to refuel and buy upgrade components for the ship but exploring leaves with you with more than enough money to get everything checked off. There's a few short "exploration" segments on foot or in space but these are extremely linear outside of collecting more loot and all tied to story sequences.

All in all, I don't regret spending time with the game but I don't think it's all that either. It's serviceable and inoffensive.

I don't think I've had to actively hold back tears during the credits sequence of any game I've played and I've been gaming for over 15 years at this point

I don't think I can sing praises of the writing, the art, the dialog, the characters, the honest portrayal of their lives and troubles and hopes enough. It's a very raw and very personal look at a small town and the people that inhabit it and some who are only visiting

So I'll simply focus on the minor negatives. It's quite annoying walking up and down town over and over. It's irritating that some of the interactive points are so close together and some require you face a certain way. I wish the townsfolk would react better to you when they greet you after certain actions happen. I faced a couple of minor bugs where a character looped an entire dialog sequence a second time because the game couldn't reconcile that I'd already found certain items relevant to them already

These are but small blemishes on what I consider to be one of the most perfect games I've ever seen. I truly love this game and it will now hold a special place in my heart

This is unfortunately a huge disappointment and it's so sad that I feel this way because the graphics and the setting could have made for something really special.

But this is unfortunately not only a waiting game but also a puzzle game and has almost no bones of being a city builder at all. You're not doing any resource pipelines a la Anno but mostly simply waiting for your drones to shuffle the 3 resources around. They give you the option of building factory layouts inside buildings but the larger buildings with much more space for citizens and offices that generate way more money make that utterly obsolete and your factories end up being exclusively to process resources within the first few hours. The campaign requires that you achieve victory on the first map to progress at all and this is one of the most tedious things I've ever done in a game with requirements like "hold X amount of artifacts" which are utterly banal. Research is exclusively all percentage changes to things like waste generated or area covered and all buildings are simply unlocked with money. There's so much they could have done here but instead they chose to add some incredibly lacklustre combat that absolutely does not work. You're not building a city so much as just plopping one of 10 buildings and trying to "combine" adjacent buildings to make for one slightly more efficient building. There's completely pointless mechanics like "burrowing" with dedicated research which baffles me. Instead of a sprawling metropolis you're slowly plopping mostly single tile banal structures. Even the area you're allocated at the start is so restrictive and tedious to work around and it takes a lot of waiting before you can expand. Even the resource management is tedious with tiered resources. Sometimes you might end up with only the higher tier of minerals which means you're wasting almost 25 construction units for a waste bin that takes 2.

It's so unfortunate how this shaped out. I cannot believe how hard the developers dropped the ball here. I'd bought this on early access and THREE years later it has not changed for the better.