64 Reviews liked by ardorblossomstar

Sad thing is I would've enjoyed this mode if it wasn't such a blatant attempt to hide a hostile corporate fraud. I would rather just make Harry and Kim kiss in The Sims 2 thank you very much.

Did you know that in Laz Rojas's WolfenDoom recreation, the average enemy is way more pathetic but bosses are WAY harder? I suffered through enough tries on Hitler's boss fight in WolfenDoom that fighting him in the real Wolf3D felt like removing the training weights. Whatever way to play it you choose though, only do one episode per sitting, or you'll really feel the repetition in the flat halls, key hunting, and count-on-one-hand enemy variety of Castle Wolfenstein. The game is just a bit too bare-bones and rudimentary for my tastes (I'm more of a Classic Doom man as my cutoff point for enjoying FPS history) but it was still a charmingly simple journey, and it's worth seeing where an unimpeachable genre began. Oh and killing Hitler. Difficult or easy, killing Hitler feels worth it.

>mediocre 2010's generic third person shooter about killing people
>mediocre 2010's generic third person shooter about killing people but now has a shitty and pretentious message about "are we really the bad guys?" presented in the worst possible way
>"masterpiece" and "hidden gem that we didn't understood at the time"

Bitches be like "I have my whole life ahead of me". No you don't, Onrush (14-26 slash damage) is coming šŸ˜‚

my disillusionment with the military leaving my body as i boot up this game:

Having now played through a second time (as well as all of Bungie's follow-ups in the series,) I am happy to give CE the close re-evaluation it deserves. Verdict: "It's pretty good actually."

It wasn't until Halo 2 that I was able to meet these games on their own terms. My first playthrough of CE had me seeing it more for its influences than for its own identity. Glad to have that changed for me, I can see what so many players saw in it over 20 years ago.

But it still has those copy-and-paste rooms, the occasional segment you will hit your head against repeatedly, unfairly placed Grunts with fuel rod cannons, Flood with rocket launchers, and a dinky melee with no range that's very difficult to return to after the sequels gave it such a buff. So it ain't all starry eyes from me.

I respect women like Halimede. Women with courage.

The great president JFK was about to be assasinated, and he was asked:

"but who would win, him or you?"

JFK answered: If he shot the bullet, he might cause me a little trouble

"but would you lose?"

then, proudly, JFK announced: Nah, iĀ“d win

This is, by all technicalities, a quirky indie RPG about depression

This is tragically more "disco" than I'd care to admit.

Andrew Hussie should be executed by the state

I just realized I've been logging the wrong version of the game oh my god help

what if Silent Hill was your phone????? have u ever thought that social media is bad?? teenage girls wouldn't be bullies online if they just went shopping. maybe if they watched Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within on a big tasty plasma TV, that'd work too.

This game is named that way because itā€™s so braindead easy



Put ā€œFuckā€ in front of this gameā€™s name and then youā€™ve got my reaction while playing it