Not rating because I played less that an hour but it sucks, plays like crap and entirely uninteresting.

To me, great in its level design philosophy of Famicom action-platformers, specifically Castlevania. It's about trial and error, every time you die you make it slightly further the next time.

Like, it's not hard, you've just got learn how to beat it by failing, which is great. Despite only dying to two or three of them, the bosses were all insanely interesting.

I don't mind the online elements, though with the servers shut down it makes it impossible to get the intended experience years later which is shit. Luckily, thanks to fans, I was able to play this online on an emulator with a DS3, so it's still doable, but games should be designed with the future in mind. (Is it playable? Sure, is one of its key features completely gone? Yes)

I've really gotta play Dark Souls at some point.

I lied when I said the first game had the best title screen/menu of any game, this one has that.

Just the worst example of everything that was wrong with the 7th generation. No I will not play the sequels this sucks.

The single most powerful ending to a video game almost ruined by the timeline they throw up between the last cutscene and the credits lmao but it isn't.

The smartest game ever made

This basically kicked of action games trying to be cinematic and literally nobody has done it this well. Also can we talk about this game's menu is literally the best ever made? The game doesn't start when you hit new game, the game starts when the Disk boots up, you hear the Policenauts jingle and the demo plays - continues through the menus, through various other options besides new game, and doesn't end even when the credits roll. Truly nobody understands this shit as well as Kojima.

Depressing how miniscule the amount of "AAA" action games that have come out since have been designed this well is. Also maybe the best written action game of the time?

The greatest directorial debut in games history. The Citizen Kane of games if you think about it.

The critical reception of this game was absolutely criminal and one of the first times I realised how disgustingly immature games "journalism" was.

Apparently, according to people who are seemingly so passionate about games they make their living writing/talking about them, games are simply a product of which value is determined based on consumer cost and length of what they arbitrarily define to be the core experience - even if the entire point of the game is not rushing through it once to see a fucking cutscene and move on with your life like disposable entertainment.

This shit hit Hitman (2016) really bad as well.

My memory of this is all the shitty parts of 2 (most of it) without the good parts - which is to say, a fine game, just in comparison to first it sucks.

I remember the structure being pretty interesting but it's no where near as interesting as the first game. also one of the first big 7th gen DLC storefronts I remember.

What an awesome, in-depth sci-fi RPG hope they don't dumb the sequel down to a generic action game!

Infiltrate the Vatican and assassinate the pope 😀