best Kingdom hearts game and its not even close, the bosses are perfect, story made sense, peak OST, story bosses were the best here, the best and most creative combat in a KH game and peak post game content. Kingdom hearts will never reach this peak and that's ok.

Best expansion i have ever seen in a videogame and possibly the best final fantasy story yet

Possibly the best game ever made, everything is perfect with this game, all that is missing is 60FPS (please Sony just update your game)

Best DLC Fromsost has ever made, peak bosses with 2 of the best ost from any soulsborne

Perfect combat system, peak bosses that Fromsoft has to offer and the best final boss in gaming. Really doesn't get better.

Best Metroidvania game tbh, only hollow knight competes


buys the game on PC
Download zombies mods from community

Best sonic game, it literally was flawless and the Chao garden is peak

This game definitely has its own issues for the VERY different type of gameplay it went for but it’s honestly still fantastic, I made myself ridiculously OP and used Zell to obliterate

This game is literally perfection, it has peak story, amazing music, amazing bosses and a ending so great and impactful I still think of it to this day, perfect game literally.

I loved the game but boy I had to spam the reset button so many times I do it in my sleep now 💀