walking inside the pool of blood in the Geothermal Caverns might be the highlight of the whole reboot trilogy

"rise" is a bit too much, more like a steady stream of quality tomb raider content


can't believe it took me almost 30 years to finally play this masterpiece. and now i'm hooked. i would even say DOOMED!

the game might not be better than the original, but my skills definitely are

i'm not saying it's worse than the first two, but i did noticed Lara's fine ass more than usual.

great game to play with non-gamer girlfriend indeed

i remember this was one of the first video games i completed. (on pc and with cheats, but still)

the saving system/loading times still the only flaw in otherwise just awesome game

zombies, parkour, no backflips, but yes dropkicks

gameplay aside, this was very unique gaming experience.


played DOOM while listening DOOM. best of both worlds

the more I played the more I liked it

just give me my tommy gun and let me shoot some gangsters, capiche?

some bugs in the gameplay, but the story still shines here.