146 Reviews liked by berserkbian

doesn't really make sense to me that apps like this one, choices, episode, etc are only on here as one thing. there are so many different stories by so many different writers, but because they're all located in one place they don't each deserve their own entry? it's like if "netflix" was the only entry on letterboxd for every netflix original movie

anywho, until this changes, i'll leave all my silly little reviews for each game i play through romance club as comments to this review



not gunna rate it cause i played it over a span of like 5 years and only "beat" it now (ive beaten 6 or 7 runs and dont really want to do more), my brother's favorite game but one i dont really care for, most of the weapons feel like mashing is the best strategy because of how fast dash attacks are, some runs feel like there fun is dictated on if im winning or not, and the oh so many rooms that give you no rewards for the current run was particularly frustrating, this is one of the most repetitive feeling roguelikes with almost no variation in how you play each run with VERY easily identifiable repeated rooms with the same or very similar enemy compositions,

i wont really talk much on the story because it didn't grip me enough 5 years ago to not mash through the dialogue and that feeling still persisting, but god this game (along with bastion) will not stfu

i mean a positive is that the game is pretty, great mix of 2d/3d assets that has a style I dont think ive seen emulated before, with great character design and visual design all round,

would be better for me if it didn't have the roguelike aspect and made you beat the game 10 times to say you've beat it, i'd love someone to tell me how this game actually has 5/5 gameplay and design but I just dont see it, and as always: would.

Eu acredito fielmente que esse jogo terá um futuro brilhante, ele consegue melhorar absolutamente tudo o que o primeiro já tinha de bom, mas... no estado atual, parece apenas uma versão modificada do primeiro jogo, não cheguei a notar que realmente justifique esse jogo ser uma sequência. (Excluindo a história, já que não está completa ainda).

Como esse aqui ainda não foi lançado completamente, sugiro jogar o primeiro jogo mesmo, pelo menos por enquanto, já que ele continua sendo extremamente divertido e incrível.

Um jogo simplesmente fantástico!!!

Não dava nada pra esse joguinho, e mesmo assim conseguiu me surpreender muito. É um dos únicos jogos ''relaxantes'' que me manteve jogando por mais de duas horas. Eu simplesmente adoro ficar olhando os slimes vivendo as vidas deles, assim como é muito boa a sensação de ir evoluindo cada vez mais sua fazenda.

Recomendo muito!

A solid action RPG only Quintet can deliver. The gameplay is addictingly fun, the town building mechanic is simple but interesting enough, and the exploration and story are engaging, even if not deep as it could be.

pretty enjoyable, the aesthetic is kinda bland, the music is good, and the levels are a mixed bag. definitely peaks with bounce man but most of it is still good.

such a fun platformer and uses the dualsense amazingly. i think it really might be the best controller of all time. this game is insanely fun and whimsical which is something i will always love. if you have a ps5, play this. it's literally free!!

[Em pt-br abaixo]

This is the first time I've seen a game I would call a Celeste-like, as it shares the gameplay and a similar mindset in developing the level design of the game, with the welcome addition of a grappling hook, in which you need to measure length of the hook and balance the momentum of the swing in order to traverse the platforming sections with ease. It's engaging and fun, donning a cutesy artstyle, however it has a criminally short duration, when I was starting to get excited over the new challenges, the game was already over, unfortunately. Still a short game made in Brazil, to revel and enjoy.


Como é um jogo brasileiro, preciso escrever em português também! Essa é a primeira vez que vejo um jogo e chamaria ele de Celeste-like, afinal ele é bem similar na gameplay e o level design segue uma mentalidade familiar ao jogo mencionado, porém com a adição bem-vinda de um gancho e corda, que adicionam mais nuances na gameplay, afinal agora para performar corretamente nas seções plataforma, é necessário que você mire corretamente o gancho, considere a distância da corda e também o "embalo" do seu personagem ao se balançar, tudo isso vai definir se você vai pousar em segurança ou dar de cara com espinhos ao se soltar da corda. É divertido e engajante, e possui um estilo de arte bem fofinho e carismático, porém é um jogo criminalmente curto, infelizmente isso me entristeceu pois quando eu já estava ansioso pelos desafios futuros, o jogo já chegava ao fim. Ainda é um jogo brasileiro que vale a pena a experimentação, o conceito é bom e infelizmente acaba antes do que deve, mas com certeza continua sendo recomendado.

glad to have finally played this classic, even if it didn't live up to all the hype. the story is cool, the exploration is whatever. my fav part is the combat, bosses especially. very challenging but rewarding. it's cool to experience this now considering how influential it was, but not really something i love a ton.

Gosto bastante desse fórmula de jogos, mas achei esse daqui um pouco genérico e bem mais repetitivo que os outros, no futuro darei outra chance.

Not really my cup of tea, it tries to be scary but acessible(read for children) at the same time but end up being none. Gives Monster House vibes, so there's some atmosphere to enjoy, nonetheless.

fucked up and mysterious and you never get the answers. the controls are responsive, the atmosphere is dense and oppressive, it's everything you'd want and a solid recommendation from me.

much like life, being trans is awful. having to live your life as a compromised version of yourself, not quite belonging anywhere, even among the people who love you most, and constantly struggling with the feeling that you can't do what you want to do because people won’t let you or won't understand. there is a sense of loneliness, of isolation, a sense that you're not ever going to be understood and that you'll always be just a little off, a little too clockable, a little too different. there is an incredible sadness to the whole experience.

as for the positive aspect? i'm still working that out. i'm not lucky enough to have a family that supports me. i live in a state of constant fear and apathy, knowing that no matter what i do, i'll never be the girl i've always had in my head.

the problem is, i'm a pretty miserable person, and i take it out on everyone around me. i hate my life, and i can't be happy being a man and i don't know what to do about it. but i do know that i hate this situation i'm in, and the idea that i can't escape it. it's like i have an anchor dragging me down, and i can't get out of the water.

i know there's a lot of trans people who are really happy, and i'm happy for them. for me, it's not been a good experience, and i'm not at all sure it's going to get better. but it has given me some perspective on life.

my perspective on gender has led me to have unfortunate habits of psychoanalyzing everyone i see, recognizing patterns and trying to understand why they do what they do. it has given me a sense of being misunderstood and that it's everyone else's fault. because of this, i'm very judgmental. it's like i've dissociated from all of society, there's no human connection or emotions behind the faces and words. it's almost like i'm a vampire. it's not exactly easy being this way, and i wish i had been born different, but at least i know that, at the end of the day, no one is ever going to be able to understand me completely.

my feelings are a complicated mess, and trying to explain them to people who don't understand gender dysphoria is difficult, so it's easier to go without trying, especially if it was easier for everyone to assume i'm cis than have me talk about my feelings. it's just easier to keep people at arms length, let them make their own assumptions and let them feel comfortable in their own bubble. but if i tried to interact with people, i'd just be putting them in an awkward position, trying to understand what i'm saying. it's easier for everyone to just assume.

show this to any pro lifer to make them understand ultimate rage against fetuses

Pixel perfect mega man-esque game. It's a must play for newcomers and veterans into retro or retro-inspired games, and made me hungry for a sequel.