krobus is love, krobus is life

if you see a player named lesbians4wesker you found me

absolutely gorgeous, tho the story sometimes feels a little paper thin

i'm developing unnecessary feelings for miles edgeworth

i'm having way too much fun with a game i enjoyed when i was 9 on my xbox 360

it's fun but i've only been playing for like an hour, can't say more about that

it has very nice upgrades compared to its predecessors but the negatives outweigh it. updates stopped 1 ½ years after release? no activities you can do with your friends? meh at best

not a huge fan but it's a good game nontheless

another strong game to drink to/with

i'm so confused but johnny cage makes it worth the "HUH??"

overhated for its motion controls. it may suck but god the story is nice