31 Reviews liked by bustercorpzo

It is with a heavy heart I must announce to the Nation, that That Man has massive drip 😳

did you know they changed Marco Rodrigues's name to Khushnood Butt in the english release?

There's a good story and passion here, but it's buried under poorly implemented RPG mechanics and really poor taste portrayals of serious subjects like suicide and loss.

It wants to be Persona so bad but fails at reaching that level of well crafted story telling and RPG mechanics, I wish this could've been better cause I know the devs put alot of heart into it but all I can say is "better luck next time"

Literally Spider Man PS4 without any of the bullshit that game had, it's a much better experience imo even if the story is shorter.

You ever just cry at the end credits of a video game?

This game slaps so hard!

It's got fun combat that stays enjoyable and thrilling the whole way through, solid mechanics, beautiful presentation, and a story that hit so many emotional notes and was a lot heavier than I expected which I loved.

I really wish I could play this on next gen hardware because I feel last gen doesn't do it justice but it was still so much fun regardless.

This is a beautiful game. Visually gorgeous with an emotionally striking soundtrack, paired with gameplay that's not perfect but definitely an interesting blend of real-time and turn-based combat. I think this game has a perfect home on Switch and found myself playing almost the entire game in handheld mode.

A must-play game! Play it now.

enjoyed this game despite it's faults here and there. best in the series.

I'm so glad that after all this time, I was able to finally complete the game and even get the true ending.

100% a unique experience and the Switch is the best way to play it since the game has multiple controller types on Switch thus being more accessible than the Wii original.

I'd highly recommend everyone with a Switch get this game, it's very cheap and more worth it than the Switch titles that still run at $60

This might actually be one of the best games to come out in recent time from a major company.

it's just a game to just relax with when you don't wanna commit to something more demanding as a player.

Sometimes when I wanna relax after a hard day, I just pop it in and skate around trying to complete goals, listen to the amazing soundtrack, and overall just have fun.

If you're a fan of that type of thing, buy this game.

Got half way through the game so far and I've been enjoying it

I will say that the game has some issues that I hope get fixed (the Sayu fight is a bit too difficult for a second boss so the difficulty spike could be discouraging for those who aren't versed in action games like this)

However the devs are very open to criticism and I have no doubts they'd fix issues like that and others in future updates to the game.

No Straight Roads is not for everyone and while that breaks my heart, I am happy to see it succeed and to resonate with a good 80% of players based on what I've seen via twitter and other social medias

I enjoyed what I played, hope to come back and complete it when I have time.

Honestly didn't get into this series till this year but honestly glad I did, I love this game.

Bayonetta herself is an entertaining and empowering character who continues to entertain through the whole game

The gameplay is the best it's been, building off the foundation of the first game almost flawlessly.

Amazing weapons, Witch Time is a great mechanic that encourages players to play intelligently rather then just go in offensively all the time which I liked as well

Spent the whole play time in the Fox McCloud costume cause THAT ASS xD

I feel like whenever IntSys does something different for the SRPG genre they get crapped on to hell and back.

Let them experiment, man

This remake is a disappointment and actively feels worse and more shallow than the game it's supposed to be based on, lacking the small little details the original had while adding new problems that weren't present in the original title, this creates what feels like a rushed product that isn't worth the purchase.