my first resident evil game i didnt even play the hd version i was struggling through with the ps2 version and my corroded controller. Did not even finish to be honest

superrrr obsessed with this back in middle school. sometimes i replay for fun and im like Oh this is bad.

played this in front of my dad

i dont rlly remember much abt this game i played it as a kid LOL it was cool to me tho. i like the more story-driven sims games

my brother had played this before me and i was like NO. im the visual novel player in the household

never actually finished this i always got distracted by the amount of sidequests

same sentiments abt sdr2. except i first played this before it was officially released on steam so i was playing it on a psp emulator. would not recommend

cringey dialogue is so special to me

i gave my account to a friend and i am no longer friends with them. i wasnt even good at the game and i didnt rlly like it but Come on past me....

this is so awesome i love leon and claire

it was fun. first mario game i finished. i love the hat