i had some issues / glitches with the game but it didnt take away my enjoyment from it and overall i rlly liked it :] i wish you got to spend a few more "normal" moments with some of the characters because over time they just started to fade into the background and werent as memorable. i get not everyone can be a main character but with games that shift and change perspectives i have this expectation of everyone mattering. like even if you cant play as a certain character they should still have an impact in someone elses story. my only real qualm is the ending because its just not enjoyable... i like the idea of having an outside perspective of the events and someone trying to piece together what happened but it goes on for too long and its not visually stimulating. if it was either / or i would deal but it wasnt so here we are. again overall i rlly enjoyed the game ! i liked the in-universe guide of the tarots and all the collectibles that help piece together the mystery; it gave me an excuse to wander around the whole area instead of just continuing the story.

superrrr obsessed with this back in middle school. sometimes i replay for fun and im like Oh this is bad.

i know ppl have their issues with this game but honestly i love it . who am i to complain about more goro time

played like once Idkkk i dont think fighting games are for me.

sorry to rayman but this is just a bizarre game i remember playing as a kid

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i cant comment on this as a GoT game since i never watched the show but its definitely not my favourite telltale game. only like 2 perspectives were appealing to me, and its more like 1 because ethan was killed off relatively quickly so only gareds story was left for me to enjoy. is this a fault of the game? no, looking at my favourite games and just the games im drawn to, i knew i wouldnt really like it that much. in most cases i dont think its fair for me to judge a game for what it didnt do because it would most certainly be rooted in bias, but ill always lament over the potential of a perspective of someone thrust into such a powerful position and having to deal with the constant self-doubt of "is this the best option? how do i know whats best?". to be fair, the game DOES cover this a little bit, and i think thats why im so turned off by it. perhaps ethans story just wasnt meant for this game, but ill still think about it. this is definitely a game i have a hard time reviewing because its hard to tell whats personal preference and whats something the game just did wrong, especially when the source material is something im not super familiar with. all in all, its an okay game. as someone who likes telltale but doesnt know a lot about got, i was engaged enough to finish the game when i first got it. and i also did replay a little bit recently andddd i had the same sentiments. okay game, probably wont replay.

same sentiments abt sdr2. except i first played this before it was officially released on steam so i was playing it on a psp emulator. would not recommend

cringey dialogue is so special to me

watched a full playthrough of this game when it first came out but i havent actually finished it myself. mostly because i realized through this game that i cant really aim with a mouse. and because the hordes of zombies scare me. idk it was a weird game from what i remember (THE GUY IN LITERAL S&M GEAR?). maybe one day ill actually play since im not a literal kid anymore and i have better gaming skills. nick is babygirl tho

one of those games i watched a playthrough of as a kid and when i finally bought it i played one route and havent touched since. you need to be in the right headspace to play hatoful boyfriend and i havent achieved that headspace

i wanted this game for a while but kept putting off buying it because i dont rlly play multiplayer / online games but thanks ps4 for making it free