people didnt like this game but i really didnt think it was bad

i came really close to finishing this game but didnt i will restart it sometime

i did not finish this game but i will restart it sometime

this game gets really hard once you get to that volcano crap

i beat this game but i will come back to 100% it soon

ive replayed this game so so much and i still have my cartridge from when i was 5 with weird pictures and captions on there :)

someone sold a copy of this to me at a con and said it was genuine but it was a badly implemented english translation rom that only garbled the text into mostly numbers and !'s so its unplayable >:(

me and my friend thru middleschool and hi school used to play this every weekend :)

i replay this game probably every year i love love love it

like this game a lot but never finished it ill come back to it

the multiplayer on this was so funny i dont remember much about the main game tho

idk if i finished this or not but i was obsessed with this game in middleschool

i still have my town from 2001 with my sister and my house we used to play this all night long on weekends when we were supposed to be asleep and play the nes games like warios woods late into the night w. just the glow of the crt and the crickets chirping outside :)

this is the animal crossing game ive played the least i will get to it sometime

i used to play this with my mom a lot