142 reviews liked by cchowder

miss me with that shipping nonsense. dont care about punchy big boobs girl or manic pixie dream ancient... give me the pretty spiky hair mothafucka..c'mere blondie lemme show u what a real buster sword do..

Hit me with that mobile version to see this score skyrocket

makes me feel like an ai artist with all the fucked up hands i'm making

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The Game: "We have this villain who has a personal connection to Miles but she wants to take down this big corporation, who has been endangering people with their products, through aggressive means"

Me: "wait isn't that a good thing why are we fighting her"

The game: frantically shuffles papers "Uh, um... uh, she also wants to destroy Miles' neighbourhood, go fight her :)"

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This DLC rises above the main game because it dares to put Alan Wake in a place other than 'The Woods', has a few legitimately great setpieces, focuses on a split personality (a Remedy specialty), and, most of all, allows you to finallly kill Barry.

Talking flowers, really?

This series has been around for god knows how long and the kids who grew up with the original game on the NES are old enough now to collect social security. So why does the series continue to go for the kiddie audience instead of appealing to his actual fans, the adults? Think of how awesome a Mario game where he swears and uses mushrooms like drugs would be. Such a shame that the lazy devs don’t understand what the real fans want.

honestly not as jank as i expected. as someone who is a huge fan of miserable art, i really enjoyed both the story and the presentation. stylistically speaking, this is one of the most striking games i've ever played. the environments you traverse, especially ones dotted with bright signage and flashing lights, are beautifully distorted by the "lens" of the camera. i know the camera shake when running is controversial, but i really do like it. honestly, i really like the ending, too. there is no real closure and we don't get to know what happens to kane or lynch. it just ends. the soundtrack and voice acting are also phenomenal.

I was walking down a hallway when I was suddenly carpet bombed and all my Pikmin died.

This review was written before the game released

She elden on my ring till i'm far fromsoft

"the Like a Dragon characters star in a period piece" was such a charming concept that I tried to imagine other videogames doing the same thing but realized no other videogame has a cast large enough or good enough to pull it off

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