it's a JRPG that helps you get swole as hell with a cool rhythm game in it. if you don't think that's tight, idk what else to say, game slaps.

exactly what it needs to be: a horror B-movie that you grab on a whim from blockbuster's VHS section that fuckin RIPS

i say this in full sincerity: this is one of the most incredible video game experiences i ever had. i STILL quote this game on a regular basis.

i think i am one of the last few remaining Wii U defenders on the planet today. i love the gamepad allowing for asynchronous things to be happening on the screens. i love Pikmin 2. needless to say, when i saw that you could split up your captains on the gamepad and use auto-pathing to multitask your pikmin for maximum efficiency during the short days, my heart stopped (i lived).

ultimately, i think the game falls short in dialing back a lot of the best parts of Pikmin 2, such as the charm of each individual treasure and the lack of caves acting as long challenging dungeons, and not expanding enough elsewhere. oh well. maybe we'll get a pikmin 4 on the switch someday...

one of the best "puzzle fighter" games of all time! the game has so much to offer to everyone. the story mode is incredibly charming and well written, the puzzle mode offers a different look at how the mechanics work, and the various freeplay modes give you a lot of options of learning how to get better at the game, as well as relaxing score attack. check it out and petal crash!!!

a masterpiece of playful design coupled with well thought-out and executed narrative

there's a few instances of Pixel Hunting and slight "guess what the developer is thinking" that can be frustrating by modern standards, but being persistent pays off in incredible ways. it makes sense that several developers, namely Kojima, have said that this is the game that inspired them to make games, because it lays the groundwork for their types of "deadly serious in-world, yet goofy" tones. one of the best endings to a game ever.

a nice proof of concept for what they would go on to improve in Pikmin 2.

a cute spin on the RTS/Diablo-like genre that was Red Hot at the time by nintendo. in another timeline, we live in a world where we play competitive 5v5 Pikmin in a MOBA--style game where small ship captains control the small minion waves in tournaments for millions of dollars. i think that would be at least Slightly cool

when i first played this game when i was 8 years old, it opened my eyes to the possibility of video games being something else than just guns and platformers and RPGs. that you could also have games where you just relax and make friends and design your house.

needless to say, it blew my young sheltered mind. to this day, nothing has matched this surprise in realization that new genre was possible.

this review should probably be a 3 star, but i appreciate its role in the history of "what should character-based 3D games look like" before it had been utterly warped by everything trying to be Mario 64 so it gets a star for uniqueness.

no longer home captures the hazy, ethereal nature of lying around with your friends hopping from topic to topic of discussion, losing track of time, having your poignant thoughts tumble out unexpectedly. the backgrounds drift in and out of focus along with your own. one second you're talking about a painting in the hallway and the next you're interrogating the nature of yourself.

i've written before about how i think games that get in and get out within two hours are the Exact Right length for narrative games, and this is no exception. i love the pacing and length of the game, but somehow i almost wish that there was just liiiittle bit more to sink into.

this game has higher highs and lower lows than Banjo-Kazooie, but ultimately it ends up being much more messy and fun


a Coen Brothers-esque twine game with a beautiful environment to hang out in. if that sounds good to you then play it immediately.


Frictional's best work by far. the worst part of the game is the evasion and hiding stuff that has been played out since the middle of Amnesia:TDD. play this with the no enemies mod if you haven't played it but get scared off by the survival horror stuff!