Fun, but the way taking the more chaotic(?, forgot the right word) route is easier no matter what is kinda discouraging.

The most anime FE. I think it's fun but I don't like how the story gels with the mechanics. Very weird.

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wheres the remaster squareenix
Real talk: an extremely humorous game and just a tragic exploration on suicide. Personal favorite Yoko Taro game.

Cool as hell game. This one's for the sisters.

Hands down the most ambitious Atelier game. I'm not a fan of the writing, but the way simply exploring the world forms a narrative around Firis' dreams and such manage to move me. The happiest an Atelier has made me. I think that says a lot.

yeah, i do believe games aren't silly little things

My favorite Atelier in terms of writing. Lydie and Suelle is basically a fun SoL anime, and I love it for that.

I think it's too simple for it's own good at times, but I still remember the ideas in it. Still gotta embark on the full Exa_Pico journey, so I can't wait to these ideas develop. やがて錆びた剣を囲んで緑の蔓が這う悲しみの記憶を包んで is one of my favorite lyrics.

I don't remember too much about this game, but gotta respect it for setting up MGS2 and 3.

My favorite of the series. Maybe I just really like postmodernism though, even if it's pretty simple ones.

I actually don't like Danganronpa 1; its mysteries are pretty bad, but I love the way this game is used for 2 and V3. Gotta respect that.

hajime x komaeda 4ever
Love the final cases.

Shuichi is a very compelling protagonist on his own, and the way he hates solving crimes repeatedly being used against him and seeing him overcome that is moving.

I think this game is a bunch of wasted potential but all the gay ships and fanart give me life.