I think this game is a bunch of wasted potential but all the gay ships and fanart give me life.

The most anime FE. I think it's fun but I don't like how the story gels with the mechanics. Very weird.

Fun, but the way taking the more chaotic(?, forgot the right word) route is easier no matter what is kinda discouraging.

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The more I think about this game the more I dislike it lol.
Idk, the bullying/suicide part rubs me the wrong way.

Cool as hell game. This one's for the sisters.

Shuichi is a very compelling protagonist on his own, and the way he hates solving crimes repeatedly being used against him and seeing him overcome that is moving.

hajime x komaeda 4ever
Love the final cases.

I actually don't like Danganronpa 1; its mysteries are pretty bad, but I love the way this game is used for 2 and V3. Gotta respect that.

My favorite of the series. Maybe I just really like postmodernism though, even if it's pretty simple ones.

I don't remember too much about this game, but gotta respect it for setting up MGS2 and 3.

Hard to call original or groundbreaking, but the presentation elevates to high points. Also OKINO!!!

i suck at platformers, so i cant comment on the gameplay
but celeste sticks with me for how well it's gameplay meshes well with what it wants to say
and it isn't too heavy either, big fan

yeah, i do believe games aren't silly little things

I don't like saying pieces of fiction changed my life, but SeaBed definitely informed my perception of grief. I'm completely in love with this VN and there's nothing like it. Also has the relationship that ripped my heart out the most.