I wanted to like it but some portions are so clunky and it really ruined the flow for me.

Defined my tween years, lots of fun.

When I get dementia I'll look upon my childhood and my time spent in minecraft will be intertwined with reality (on account of how fucking much Ive played this). Amazing game, cant help but be a little sad how popular its become because the charm is starting to wear off.

So cute, but why did they make the choices they made when designing this game? Why does it take 3000 years to load in???? I want to love this game but it feels devoid of a soul.

I love driving the train, I hate playing the flute, and I'm ambivalent about the touch controls. This game features the best version of zelda, and her possesing the suits of armor speaks to me on a gender level. We need more games where you shoot shit from a train.

Riot games are fun in the moment, but when you look back on it youre unsure if you ever actually had fun.


The way the character is animated makes me want to throw up, also had too many technical issues to enjoy this very simple feeling game.

This game... is so annoying to me, I'm going to pretend undertale was a one-shot series. Some of the music and art is nice.

I dont feel like I'm supposed to take this game seriously, seems fun for 6 year olds and streamers.

Kinda fun, kinda annoying, a cultural touchstone.

Iconic game series PLAGUED with microtransactions and annoying ass hooks, I like the earlier games and if you pretend all the bloat isnt there then this is still fun.

Relaxing game, short, cute. Scratches that home-ownership itch I get sometimes.