Sure it’s better than the first and ambitiously cinematic with a pretty wacky plot and some cool locations but the gameplay becomes extremely spammy as it goes on just like the first

nah the master chief dickeating is insane

Oh so this is why halo fans get no bitches


Don’t believe the people calling it cute shit was depressing af man

Tee Lopes coming through with another free game with his new album

devil may cry if it was a rhythm game

Troy Baker Bruce Wayne may be a bit of a loser with his shitty leather jacket and flat cap but this is really well done and legit gives you some heavy choices to ponder the orb over


The coolest you’ll ever feel is playing this.

Look I paid £5 for this and have never played the original so am not as mad at it as some others. Quite fun but definitely a lesser RE2 remake with too many scripted encounters and a lot of cutscenes and too much hand holding.

can’t blame Ashley for straight up asking Leon if he wants to fuck at the end, we all have a crush on that man

little nightmares is a little spooky

Any Tetris game is like crack to me so ofc I loved this

Star Wars sucks ballssssss but this, this is good