What a genius bit of design work this is. And here I thought I wasn't into deck-builders.

This game is every bit as good as they say it is. It's also long as sin, incredibly repetitive, and I didn't do one important thing during my run, so I got locked out of the entire Royal epilogue. Needless to say it left a sour taste in my mouth. I inquired about this on the Persona subreddit and was torn to absolute shreds by Ann Simps and Morgana Fursonas. "WHY DON'T YOU JUST PLAY IT AGAIN!?" they shouted at me, from a basement somewhere in the deep south, their puberty-stricken voices crackling and hissing with sheer, unbridled vehemence. "I dunno" I responded, "I guess I just don't have another 120 hours to spare".

Absolutely outstanding game. But once I finished gawking at the way the wind blew in the direction of my objectives, I found it difficult to ignore the fact that it was just another open-world AAA game.

Damn, dude, Spyro is fun! I missed out on this as a kid, as I did not have a Playstation 1. This remaster is perfect. The levels feature a ton of replayability, and getting the platinum is rarely this appealing.


Surely one of the best rogue-likes ever made.

One of the scariest games you'll ever play. Well, the first 5 hours will be, anyways. This is such a successful comeback for Capcom, after the absolute s*#tstorm that 6 was. The first-person perspective is used to utterly delirious effect, and the writing performs that masterful tightrope walk, hovering over the absurd and the horrifying at equal measures.

I loved this game. There's something special about it that transcends a proper description. It's just.. a video game. And a damn good one, at that.

Every bit as good the second time around.

It's a fine game. It's astonishing to behold. A graphical powerhouse, and a dutiful showcase for next-gen hardware. I didn't find the story all that fun, and I didn't think the big wide-open level design really earned its keep. But I had a damn good time, nonetheless.

Man, sometimes you just gotta slam out your frustrations on the keyboard at 120wpm for a few days straight. You may cramp up, but you'll forget the world for a little while.

Good game! Good game. Frustrating game! but, but good game.

I think this game catches too much hate. Mind you, I didn't finish it. I eventually expanded the map enough that traversing the world on my slow bike and having to worry about replenishing my oil, lest I face the fury of having to park the damn thing in a bush and run for 3 hours to find a gas station... I mean it all became a little too much. So yeah, the game's got its faults, but it is good stuff! It's high-caliber, high-octane zombie fun. The freaker swarms, or whatever they were called, was a super innovative idea.

This game is infuriating. I'm not entirely sure what it is- the Halo formula just does not translate to open world. I feared it would be so, and when it dropped, it was so. The way boss fights and encampments play out is just too chaotic, too unbalanced, too reprehensibly random.

The online mode is really fun, perhaps the best the franchise has been since Reach! But man, does it ever need more content.

Elden Ring will forever be remembered as "the game that ruined games for me".