I think this may very well be the best Metroidvania ever released. The gameplay is SO tight. The challenges are many, and varied, but they are fair. The exploration is unparalleled. The pacing is somehow bulletproof from front to back - I never became bored or impatient, and I never wanted it to end.

Silksong when!?

Cool throwback. I don't have a whole hell of a lot to say about it.

I love a good platformer, and Celeste is one of the best ever made. I wasn't sure whether it would click for me, being 2D and ultra-challenging, but boy did it ever get its hooks in.

When games are really hard, I have a tendency to hate-play them. Like.. I'm genuinely not having a good time. I'm just hoping to high Xoltan that I finish the level before the blood vessel in my asscheek explodes.

With Celeste this wasn't the case. I was getting my ass kicked, but I was always having fun, and I always felt like I was getting that much closer to victory.

Rarely have I ever felt this good about myself for beating a game.

Actually.. never mind, I uninstalled it on the last boss.

Whatever, it was awesome. The parry system is lightning in a bottle.

The game that began the great Capcom Renaissance. They really, really put their money where their mouth was with this release. What a complete and utter joy of a remake. Except for when Mr X was right behind you. There was no joy to be found in those distant footsteps.

Unfortunately I did not get around to this one as a child, so there was no nostalgia to be had. I had to undergo the painful process of examining something so beloved by so many with my stupid cobweb-addled adult brain. So while I did not love it, I had a damn good time making my way through the story. It is simply remarkable how much creativity is on display here for a linear, turn-based RPG. There's not a single hour of gameplay that really feels like another. It's kind of a masterpiece, really. I just didn't lose myself in it.

Haha. This is one of the better roguelike games I've ever played. I became extremely addicted to the loop. Hopelessly addicted, really, and at times mad. But I cracked through. And I squealed with joy.


Honestly? Super underrated! Not talked about enough! It belongs in a healthy position in the lexicon of Metroidvania greatness. It can get a little bit repetitive, its design elements a little copy-pastey, but it's a ton of fun.

lol this game was HYPED when it came out. It was cool, but it was pretty frustrating. Everyone was on about how the music syncs perfectly with your movements. It kind of does, it kind of doesn't. It's neat. It's like jazz for people who don't understand how to listen to jazz.

Rushed through it. Didn't particularly enjoy myself.

I'll never quite understand why people place this one above Alan Wake, which is Remedy's true masterpiece. Control is amazing, though. It could've done with a wider variety of level design, and the opening chapters were a bit of a slog. By the time you get to the final stretch, you'll feel like a God. And there's one level in particular that EVERYONE remembers, and that I honestly think is 90% of the reason gamers think back on it so fondly.

Man, why'd I fall for the Pokemon formula AGAIN?! I was having a good time with it, right up until it ended, and left me high and dry. WhY oh WHY can't Pokemon do something different, for once? Give me a post-game! Collecting shinies does NOT count.

Borderline masterpiece of a game. Loved the souls elements, the metroidvania elements, the glistening combat, the fun skill trees, the lovingly crafted levels.

Its biggest fault is that its opening sections are its weakest. I know a lot of people who fell off on Bogdano or whatever it was called, because it just wasn't clicking. The game really opens up and continues getting better as it goes until it reaches its epic climax.