45 Reviews liked by degbott

Yeah I listen to yabujin. How could you tell?

if only silent hill fans actually played silent hill theyd know how good this game is

Holy atmosphere, SoC kinda nails everything right. The horror, the survival aspect, the bleak setting, the monsters. It's got it all, it's pretty challenging, and it's pure distilled eurojank. Highly recommend.

Incredibly fun, super stylish, and may have helped me better understand the love for the back and slash genre. Combos feel satisfying to pull off even without being super complicated. Most of the challenge comes from performing the combos on beat to the music, which always feels amazing to do.

The writing and plot feels very much like a cartoon bumped up a bit for a slightly older audience by the including of a few more swear words than you might expect. It never reaches anything deep, and the humor was fairly hit-or-miss for me. But I liked the cast of characters, and the dialogue was always enjoyable to listen to.

Things near the end head in a heavy handed direction that I wasn’t a super big fan of, but that’s alright. This was still a really fun time, with a fantastic soundtrack that deserves to be played. I can see why some consider this to be their GOTY even if it probably isn’t mine. Absolutely worth playing.

Sticker | Liazz (Gold) | Berlin 2019
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Extraordinary Sticker
This item commemorates the 2019 StarLadder Berlin CS:GO Championship.

This sticker can be applied to any weapon you own and can be scraped to look more worn. You can scrape the same sticker multiple times, making it a bit more worn each time, until it is removed from the weapon.

This gold sticker was autographed by professional player John Tregillgas playing for Renegades at Berlin 2019.


takes a big bite of the yummiest cake ever made "YEP! tastes JUST like DMC2!!!"

I've always loved games but this game got me to love them differently.

Even though I greatly enjoyed my time with this game after a three-year wait, I still felt unsatisfied. I guess that's what I get for setting unreasonably high expectations.

I will say that they hit the nail on the head with the aesthetic and music! There's really good tracks like the main menu and the three Hideki Naganuma songs.

Even with the new mobility options that help you maintain your momentum, I still wish that the trick system was a little more technical than "Press X/Y/B in consecutive order while holding RT". All of the movement styles felt the same because of that.

If you like Jet Set Radio, you would like this, just don't set your bar too high.

If this game came out today it would be all over the tiktoks and youtube shorts I'm telling you

i do not care what anyone says, Hideki Kamiya made the first game and thats it, the first step towards greatness sure, but to this day he still gets credit to the franchise when this game was the one that kickstarted how people see the dmc series.
all thanks to Hideaki Itsuno, who decided that his legacy was not going to be the rushed DMC 2, he took into his own hands to craft such a masterful experience such as this. when you lose in this game, its your own fault, aside from one single instance, the game gives you all the tools to OWN every enemy in this game as stylish as the time allowed.
Itsuno shaped the true vergil, shaped the proper gameplay that the series would carry foward and for all that i say that the devil may cry series are Hideaki Itsuno legacy, not Kamiya.
the first game is both clunky and unfair at times. its not as hard as dmc 3 but dmc 3 never feels cheap like the first game simply because of the design of every tool at your disposal, be it trickster or royal guard. you can go the entire game without being touched.
is it perfect ? the fight with fake sparda where the game forces your tools out of you prevents it from being so, but this is still one of the best action games i've ever played, leagues ahead of the first game.
Thank you Hideaki Itsuno. i'm probably blocked on twitter by kamiya