Aesthetically neat but it's like they looked at Hades and thought 'Let's make this but make it control like sludge.'

Say what you like about this game but I'd die for these dudes.

The story isn't as strong as the first but the gameplay is the best this series has ever had.

An absolutely hateful experience.

Where the first game has a very strong narrative arc, I feel like this one succeeds more in the shorter stories, like a season of Deep Space Nine. The parts where you shoot dudes are better than the first game but still quite boring.

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Really wonderful game let down by the fact that every character's arc is about how they tried being queer or alternative but decided to be a normie at the end.

I played this game in French because the accented English annoyed the piss out of me et quand j'ai fini, bah c'etait mieux mais le jeu c'est pas trop bon encore

Simply one of the best puzzle games out there.

Diminishing Returns: Fishing Edition

When you realise that the action meant more to the developers than an actually meaningful narrative. Also they did something to Chloe and Elena's faces in this one that makes them look pretty weird compared to previous games.

Please save me from Pokemon Jedward.

This game is like the cocaine of being stabbed

Absolutely beautiful pixel art, fun gameplay, discarded it utterly because the writing and voice acting are horrendous