didn't impact me like botw but it's still a wonderful adventure

this is The legend of Zelda game, no argument


second best rouge like ever made imo

a lot of fun, almost out stayed it's welcome but I really enjoyed this one

this is such an absolutely amazing experience, there genuinely isn't a day I go by without thinking about undertale in one way or another, truly a once in a lifetime adventure

Minecraft is a really great game that I have really fond memories of, but everytime I try to revisit it I end up more disappointed than the last time. still a really fun experience with a couple friends though

i am so mixed on this game, on one hand it tells in my opinion one of the greatest stories in gaming history, and on the other it plays like it was made in 2010. the outdated level design that will fail you if you try to do anything, the same exact shoot guys, ride horse for 5 min, shoot more guys and rinse and repeat for the entire game is exhausting, the shooting mechanics which haven't been changed since the original game that came out on Xbox 360. i love this game because it created characters I think about constantly and a story that still makes me shed a tear this many years later, but I will never play it again, ever.

celeste saved my life. so did dark souls but this isn't about them. celeste made me love myself and made me realize how wonderful life would be if I would embrace the part of me I was suppressing, I played this game in quarantine, I was talking to nobody, constantly suicidal but still I played videogames. it seemed like the only consistent thing in my life. when I started Celeste I loved the snappy controls and neat art style but quickly got frustrated with the challenge, and while I won't go into my experience with every level (although I definitely could) I ended up appreciating the challenge, enjoying my anger and accepting it. and in the end, I turned out to be a girl (lol) no but seriously I went on a mental journey with Madeline, and it helped me realize how happy I could be if I just truly embraced myself

just play it, saying anything will ruin it, just play it. now.

great story with some repetitive enemies and gameplay interactions, however it's not enough to even kind of ruin the game, give this one a try!

this is a fun experience but imo nothing special, definitely worth a play though


undertale for mentally ill people, oh wait.