A really enjoyable party game, but held back by limited content.

A really unique premise, and it's always fun to play with friends.

Really shines with its enjoyable characters and witty dialogue.

It's certainly an interesting and unique game, but there are so few memorable moments and most time is just spent wandering aimlessly through generic areas.

While it's rife with issues, it's still enjoyable cracking it open to start a world with friends every now and then.

Clunky controls and dated mechanics really show its age.

A vast improvement over the original game, but still shows its age in some places.

A vast improvement over the original game, but still shows its age in some places.

This will always be one of my favorite games to play with friends. City trial is so fun and replayable, and the standard races are decently fun as well.

This game is so much fun to return to because of how much speedrunning potential there is. My current record is 10 days, but I know for a fact 9 is possible with a bit more optimization. The only thing holding it back is the AI for the pikmin themselves, which can be very clunky and unresponsive.

This game is horribly brought down by the caves. Their linear nature and lack of a time limit goes against the design of the first game, they're full of annoying and unbalanced enemies, and there are bombs and rock traps all over the place that punish you for trying to multitask. The multiplayer's fun, though.

While I don't enjoy it quite as much as the first game, it makes a lot of much needed improvements on the mechanics to make this the most well rounded game of the trilogy.

It's decently enjoyable, but age was not very kind to it.

Much more enjoyable than 64 when it's working. The only problem is it doesn't work a lot.