228 Reviews liked by ebrl

For perspective, I'd consider Rain World to be the best game I've played and close to perfection. Downpour is great but the problem is that it makes a lot of changes and I am so enamoured with the base game that most of these changes feel wrong.

Where Rain World is grounded, subtle and naturally unfair, Downpour is wacky, blatant and unnecessarily frustrating. The new slugcats have ridiculous abilities that change the player from a natural part of the world to a one-of-a-kind superhero. This is countered by the environments and creatures being tougher to deal with along with. Creatures that were seen only in the 'hard-mode' hunter class are now commonplace in every new campaign along with the previously neutral scavengers being more aggressive and powerful. New creatures are mostly stronger 'remixes' of existing creatures. The game is harder now but I don't think it's more fun or interesting. The weaknesses of the new slugcats perfectly encapsulate this feeling, with each one having restrictions on their abilities in a way that was presumably intended to aid balance or immersion but for me it just made it more frustrating. See Artificer's explosion cooldown or Saint dying of cold or Gourmand exhaustion for examples.

I was surprised and somewhat disappointed to see most of the new content being focused on adjusting existing content rather than being entirely new, a lot of the regions are places that already exist but at a different point in the timeline. The totally new regions are primarily areas that the base game already teased as being part of the world but weren't explorable. As for any new depth in the ecosystem, well I wouldn't say there was any. The changes all seem focused more on gameplay and lore rather than creating a believable world.

Downpour goes out of its way to answer any questions the player might have had while playing Rain World, but I think there's a lot of value in having these questions remain unanswered. Most of the new campaigns don't give you this option, instead giving the player some kind of primary goal; performing a task that has major implications on the story. In the base game you could entirely miss the story and still have a rich experience.

This DLC is a relatively fun experience with a huge amount of quality content. It’s extremely impressive, especially considering it started as a purely fan-made expansion. Ultimately though, I feel there is an evident lack of cohesion between the intentions of this DLC and the base game, while this is high quality ‘fan content’, it has somewhat tarnished the perfect score card of Rain World and I can’t help but have a bitter taste in my mouth when talking about it.

I've been grappling with this game for a little over two years now, and I feel like throwing in the towel. The same thing would always happen: I'd open it every couple of months, play it from a day to a week, then I'd quit out of disinterest or pure repulsion. There is nothing here that I like. Lore is dumped in ungodly amounts, the prose is purple, the music sucks, the combat is micromanagement hell, companions are too flat, it looks ugly, backer NPCs are fucking EVERYWHERE and deliver nothing of value, and the story is boring.

Of course, you could pick any of the aforementioned elements and go "nuh uh, that was actually good!" and sure, you could do that. I think combat is the most easily defensible of my complaints: it's reactive, requires no pre-buffing, and forces you to use everybody and their abilities to best your foes. In-practice however, it felt like driving during rush hour - watching companions slap around enemies in place while stopping very frequently to cast new spells and abilities in the hopes of ending the encounter quicker - it's a dire equivalent to slowly inching your car up in traffic while you sit there, bored with nothing to do. What's most annoying is how by default companions stand slack-jawed after killing an enemy: there's a whole battlefield out there dickhead, go get some action! What the hell happened to auto-attack!

I don't like this game very much.

There is a tendency when dunking on Bethesda games, to criticize them from the lens of their failure to be like other RPGs- The Witcher 3 is more cinematic and refined, Baldur's Gate 3 more densely written, Fallout 1 more actually good, so on and so forth. The truth is that Bethesda games suck much more tragically and pathetically on their own terms than in comparison to other games, Todd Howard who began his career with monumental works of termite art in the end forsook the dream of the Bethesda game. The dream of the bethesda game was always to create a holodeck, a simulation for you to inhabit totally- 'Why the hell would I pick up a spoon?' someone asks, perfectly reasonably expecting game mechanics to exist for gameplay reasons, but it's just that you can pick up spoons because it's something a person is able to do. Personally I think this dream is perhaps misguided, but nevertheless they pursued it, which is admirable in its own right.

"With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created."
The message you receive upon killing a crucial NPC points towards the commitment towards the holodeck dream, it will continue on even if you totally fuck up, and indeed there are generally ways around the death of those crucial NPCs provided you understand the simulation.

And fear of people misunderstanding the simulation is what drove bethesda to make many crucial NPCs invulnerable in Oblivion, you never know when you're actually in a simulation or not anymore, even as the NPC AI had become much more sophisticated with schedules, likes, dislikes and habits, the places you could engage shrunk, and then even the ambitious NPC AI in subsequent games was stripped back for ever more presentable and simpler systems, to the point of Starfield doing deliberately what Morrowind had done out of technical limitations 20 years prior: 24/7 vendor NPCs with no schedules, likes or dislikes, who exist only in service of the player.
But maybe most telling of all, was that in Fallout 4 they decided that the player need a good reason to pick up a spoon.

Do you need anything other than the title to know that this is a pretentious game that's far up its own ass? What is even supposed to be wrong with shaders?



Astonishing 3D FPS level design, emerging fully-formed from the remains of Doom. Violence is geometry, tracing out arcs and secants, calculating the shortest distance between two Scrags. Combat probably tuned beyond my ken, a rasp against my nervous system. The perfect PING of a grenade as it bounces off a wall directly into an Ogre's asshole.

The original Dragon’s Dogma is such an endearing yet strange and kind of clumsy open world game. The story is a bit messy, rushed, and has clearly cut content with somewhat unresolved storylines. Balance is out of whack with vocations. The whole romance system is incredibly silly and comes off as shoehorned in. The start of the game until you get to Gran Soren can be a massive filter, especially that ox cart escort mission. The world is small compared to a lot of other open world games, and yet traveling can be a bit of a slog sometimes.

Despite all that, despite all these glaring flaws, it’s still an incredibly fun and awesome game. Its combat may be the best and most satisfying in any open world game. There’s nothing more exhilarating than climbing up a cyclops and downing it by slashing at its eye. There’s nothing more cool than summoning a tornado and wreaking havoc on a group of bandits. It really is excellent, and you can tell Capcom worked hard on making combat rewarding.

There’s a bunch of other little things too that make it unique. How many games have incorporated the concept of a New Game Plus into their actual story? How many games have a fast travel system where you can physically pick up the actual fast travel points and move them to pretty much wherever you want them to be? How many games are brave enough to have important NPCs that can actually permanently die, or quests that fail if you’ve progressed the story too far before completing them? Sure, you can always beat them in NG+, but still, it’s an RPG with genuine consequences for your actions. Dragon’s Dogma, even ignoring the Dark Arisen stuff, is a one-of-a-kind game that truly feels special, warts and all.

Naturally, I was pretty excited for Dragon’s Dogma 2. Itsuno announced it with passionate glee, seeming to imply that this was going to be the game he really wanted to make. Surely, he won’t disappoint. I mean, DMC5 was a massive comeback after the DmC fiasco. Dude is on the top of his game! What could go wrong?

Well, apparently everything.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 doesn’t feel like a sequel to Dragon’s Dogma. It doesn’t seem to improve on anything. Sure it looks prettier, and I guess the character creator is great, but everything else is either on par or worse than the original.

The combat is no longer snappy and satisfying like the first game. Slicing through an enemy with a sword no longer feels like you’re cutting through flesh and bone. It feels much more weightless with much less feedback. Enemies almost never seem to react to most of your attacks, however even the lowliest goblin can stunlock you for days. You really need to rely on your pawns to an annoying degree when there’s big groups of enemies because of how easily they can wombo combo you. Why is it that I can solo a cyclops or an ogre no problem, but a group of saurians with good timing can take turns slapping me around, getting me stuck in endless stun animations I can’t cancel out of?

I’m not a fan of the changes to movement. This is probably due to the switch to RE Engine, but everything you do feels more sluggish and floaty. I can’t say I’m a particularly big fan of the auto-climbing stuff too, because it often led to my character doing things on their own I didn’t intend to do. I’d rather have 100% complete control over my character than have the “convenience” of the character doing unintended actions for me. Other than the Mage/Sorcerer hover ability, there are no new movement abilities either. In fact, they took out a movement ability by getting rid of the double jump. The overall feel I get is that they went for a more realistic focus for movement, which is pretty lame.

For an open world game, Dragon’s Dogma 2 feels strangely constricted. There’s barely anywhere to truly explore other than caves, which aren’t worth the effort of going through due to the lack of any interesting loot. Very rarely did I ever find anything of note. Even if I did find a decent weapon or armor, it got outclassed by something I could just buy off a merchant soon after.

You can’t really go off the beaten path either because so much of the game has either massive cliffs or large bodies of water preventing you from going anywhere else. A lot of the game feels like going down glorified hallways. It didn’t take long for me to realize how little of the world was actually explorable. With that being said, I guess this was a blessing in disguise because of how much of a chore exploration turned out to be. Until you’re able to access more portcrystals and ferrystones, you’re going to be going down the same paths over and over again with no shortcuts, fighting the same enemies over and over again. It gets immensely tedious and boring pretty quickly. DD1 could sometimes feel like this too, but the much smaller world along with your much faster movement and less frequent enemy encounters made it less of a hassle.

Oxcarts are an option to quickly get places too, but they’re limited to only a few locations and can get destroyed by enemy ambushes, leaving you stranded to walk the rest of the way. You already have to pay to use the oxcarts, so why they needed to have some weird risk attached to it is beyond me. There’s a point where immersion goes too far, and you really need to just allow for there to be some convenience for the player so that the experience isn’t completely miserable.

Vocations are a mixed bag, but ultimately are significantly less interesting than they were in the original. All of them are limited to one weapon. Primary and secondary weapons are no longer a thing, and experimenting with different builds with classes like the Assassin are gone. I’m assuming this was one way to counter balancing issues, yet the balance might be worse than the first game. Thief destroys everything with its Skull Splitter move, which might be the highest damaging attack in the game. As a Thief, you can also steal extremely useful items like wakestone shards and ferrystones from enemies. It’s also the only vocation in the game with an actual dodge move.

The other two classes that seem insanely powerful compared to the rest are Mystic Spearhand and Magic Archer. The former has a skill that straight up makes you temporarily invincible, has a fast cast rate, and costs barely any stamina to use. Magic Archer generally has pretty damn good DPS, but on top of that has a skill that can kill the final boss in one hit. Meanwhile, the normal Archer has to rely on consumables for damage even slightly comparable. Warrior is somewhat of an improvement over the first game due to having 4 instead of 3 active skills and being borderline impossible to knock down, but you’re so damn slow that it doesn’t really matter. Fighter is okay I guess, even if you no longer have 3 skills on both your sword and shield. Mage and Sorcerer feel like they got nerfed to oblivion. Mage was never necessarily great in the first game, but it still felt more powerful than it does here. Cast times for both classes feel insanely long for the relatively pitiful damage they often produce. Not to mention the fact that having only 4 skills instead of 6 really limits their potential.

Then there's Wayfarer and Trickster which don’t feel worth playing at all. Wayfarer only has 3 skills to choose from, since you’re always going to want to have Rearmament selected. The only real benefit you get with Wayfarer is that you can use any armor you want. I have no idea what the fuck you’re supposed to do with Trickster. Apparently, you can do some silly and fun stuff with it, but ultimately why bother with a class that can’t directly damage enemies when you could just go Thief and kill everything in seconds?

The game's story is strange. The first Dragon's Dogma isn't exactly a narrative masterpiece or anything, but it at least put enough effort into its cinematics and presentation to keep you invested. There are memorable moments like the opening where your fishing village gets attacked by the dragon, fending off the hydra at the encampment, first meeting the Dragonforged, sneaking into the castle and seeing the king go schizo and trying to kill the princess, and more. NPCs were a lot more memorable and unique, and despite not always being super fleshed out I still cared about what happened to them to a certain extent.

2 on the other hand is a whole lot of nothing. It starts off okay, but there’s a notable lack of presentation or even comprehensible plot throughout. Important details like the fact that you’re the true heir to the throne are just nonchalantly told to you in the generic NPC conversation. You’d think they’d try to make something like that a bit more of a big deal by dedicating a cutscene to it. I don’t even remember what really happens in the story. It feels like you sneak into the castle a few times for some reason, go to desert land for some reason, rebuild the Godsbane for some reason, fight a giant rock golem thing that you apparently don’t even need to fight because the NPCs kill it for you, then suddenly it’s time for the final boss. It’s like stuff is happening around you, but the game never really bothers to elaborate on what’s going on or why you should care. It’s just things happening.

Characters are basically nonexistent, lacking any and all personality. There were several characters in DD1 with their own quest lines that at least tried to develop them a little bit. I can’t recall a single notable thing about the DD2 characters, other than the fact that once I maxed out their affinity they kept asking me to escort them 2000 miles away to Bumfuck, New Mexico on foot.

Then there’s the post-game, where you’re timed and are supposed to evacuate a bunch of towns. Problem is that I couldn’t give a fuck. The NPCs themselves didn’t seem to care either because all of their dialog was no different than usual, other than the handful of quest giving NPCs. Oh yeah, the game just ends with an interactive cutscene as well. Sure I supposed the real final boss is the Dragon in the normal ending, but it’s pretty lame compared to the much more bombastic and cinematic finale of DD1.

The funny thing is, as negative as I sound, much of my disappointment comes less from me thinking the game is bad, and simply thinking it’s less good. There’s genuinely a lot of potential in this. You have the foundation for really interesting storylines and quests with there being prejudice about different races now that we have elves, dwarves, and the weird cat people that still have human ears for some reason. Yet they did nothing with it. Combat does have some interesting changes and could have been better if they didn’t change the feel of it. Could have helped having better enemy variety as well. Exploration could have been made better if the world design was more interesting and you had more maneuverability, but it just became more tedious. Ultimately, the game feels like a half-assed clone of the original that misunderstands what worked and what didn’t.

People were joking about Dragon’s Dogma 2 just being Dragon’s Dogma 1.5, but really it feels even less than that to me. I tried to enjoy it, I really did, but it left me feeling hollow. This was allegedly Itsuno’s vision, what Dragon’s Dogma was supposed to be. I come away from it feeling lied to, swindled even, especially considering the $70 price tag. What’s more frustrating is that I keep seeing people talk about, “oh don’t worry, Capcom will release a Dark Arisen-esque expansion that’ll really give us what we want!” Sorry, but I’m not shelling out another $20-$40 on an expansion to a $70 game for the unfounded belief that they’ll actually finish the game this time.

A game with a ton of interesting mechanics that slowly get paved over as you inevitably become overleveled. Who cares about staggering enemies or knocking them into things or attacking their weakpoints when they all die in 10 seconds anyways? I did have a lot of fun for a while though. 3 stars feels low, but 4 definitely feels high. I won't worry about it too much. I'm sure modern capcom can withstand one lukewarm review.

An experienced dev team's first foray into true 3D that, shockingly, gets it right all the way back in June 1996.

Absolutely rock-solid fundamentals which set the tone for the rest of the genre. Analog controls enable precise adjustment of angles which have huge downstream effects. A signature focus on momentum, combined with tricks both intentional and unintentional, birthed one of the most legendary and iconic speedrunning scenes of all time. Systems like this in a casual single player context, balanced to enhance rather than subvert challenges, are rare to find, and even the devs themselves never quite managed to recapture this particular flavor.

The level design here is emblematic of the early 3D era "golden age": enough detail and representation to evoke sense of place, but with the abstraction necessitated by the time's technology both facilitating dense layouts and imbuing the atmosphere with a surreal, dreamlike quality. No established formulas for success existed yet, so levels aren't overly concerned with providing the player a frictionless experience. Each expresses their own quirky character, something felt even more strongly than usual since gameplay is so contextualized by the precise placement of nearby geometry.

Shortcomings mainly occur in obtuse progression/secrets and a handful of stages (more concentrated in the latter half) that don't play to the game's strengths. Luckily, the huge modding scene has leveraged this fantastic foundation and learned from these mistakes to create a veritable cornucopia of visions, both vanilla-like and experimental, for you as a player to explore.

Yup, Quake is a pretty great game!



Who changed the box art to this abomination.



Mother of God, you changed the cover art from the beautiful, hand painting by the director of Ico himself, to the North American abomination. What the hell is wrong with you backloggd?
Please bring back Ueda's painting https://i.imgur.com/azarEXL.jpg

A good game held back by some of the absolute worst game writing and quest design I've ever seen.

There are some new elements that are a step forward on what the first game offered, but what Dark Arisen and DDO perfected, DD2 seems content to take two steps backwards and trip on it's shoelaces.

The open world is much bigger and there's much more satisfaction to be had in wandering around with your pawns and seeing the sights, but it's strongly hampered by a lack of enemy variety and severely reduced mobility options. There is no more long jump, double jump, or dodge rolling; meaning your only option avoiding damage and traversing terrains is a pathetic bunny hop. The hitboxes of bosses are surprisingly forgiving to compensate, but this just sacrifices the good game feel that came from navigating ledges and leaping out of the way of big attacks.

Returning classes are universally nerfed and the couple of new additions are underwhelming at best. The Trickster is an intriguing idea for a class in a game such as this, but the environmental hazards are not as common as the trailers would have you believe. Most of my time using it I spent waiting for my pawns to to most of the work. Getting your enemies to jump to their death seems to be the best use of it, but you can't deploy your illusory double from any major distance away from you. All you can do is hope that one of your pawns can push them off when they run up to a ledge. The one time I did use it to some effect of luring a cyclops out of the city and into a ditch, it spontaneously teleported back into the city. It feels more like a class designed for challenge runners to post meme runs and compilations on youtube with. Wayfarer is similarly disappointing, in that it does not allow for more than three skills across any weapon type in the game, and requires two additional button presses to activate them.

Lastly, the writing and quest design is an absolute mess. For starters, the game will routinely waste your time with quests, the object of which is: go to a place, then go back, and then sometimes go back and forth again. This is a decent way to train the player's navigational skills, however far too many quests operate in this realm and no other, making these quests feel pointless on a replay. More plainly put, there is usually nothing worthwhile to do once you've gotten to point B, other than run back to point A. Lord help you reach point B, you didn't bring a certain item needed to progress that the game never explicitly stated you needed, adding another pointless rotation into your expedition. (Pro tip, when the elf asks you to come watch him train, make sure you've switched to the archer class)

Other times, the game will accidentally skip over important information with cutscene triggers, and sometimes straight up change the rules on you. For example, in one quest, you need to give an NPC some items for a trip, and the game explains that they'll need enough items of sufficient quality to make it back safely. I give them two items that I think will do the trick, but there's a third slot and I have nothing to give them. Normally you can hand in two items and come back with a third in situations like this, but on this occasion, after backing out of the dialogue, the quest proceeds without giving me a chance to say yes or no. You're given the chance to go and save the NPC, but he got pounded into the dirt by goblins the second I showed up. Again, there's usually an out in scenarios like this. Dead NPCs are supposed to go to a morgue where you can revive them with a wakestone. Not this one apparently!

For a better example of poor game writing, that isn't a personal fuck up, we can look at the quest where you have to rescue the elf girl from an ogre. The elves talk about the Ogre with phrases like "Even our strongest are no match for it." which is all well and good for if this were introducing the Ogre as a boss, but it's highly unlikely that the player hasn't already killed or at the very least seen an Ogre up until now, and they aren't the toughest of foes to begin with. But the real cognitive-ludonarrative-buzzprefix-dissonance comes when you fight and a completely different Ogre en route to the cave, accompanied by the Elf escorting you there in the first place. Like hey guys, Ogres aren't actually that tough, just bring more than three people and you're fine.

Other small little things like this crop up routinely. Due to the close up nature of the camera, you can pass near key game triggers without realizing you're supposed to be interacting with them, but the game will stop you in your tracks for an NPC to announce themselves as though you sought out them deliberately. Special shoutout to the old woman who proclaimed it took special intuition to find her from behind a wall while I was randomly jumping around a rooftop, and didn't actually see until after I fell off the roof and spent another two minutes trying to find again.

For a sequel to come out 12 years after it's predecessor, one would hope they had enough time to playtest more than one full playthrough.

A medium within a medium, an art form unto itself with it's own schools, movements and manifestos. The levels it actually comes with are pretty mid tho

This review contains spoilers

Dragons Dogma II is a great game overall, with a few flaws that started to irritate me the more I played the game.

The gameplay itself feels great, responsive and every attack feels heavy, as if there is real weight behind it. Exploration is rewarding in the sense that it's really intriguing to see what the world has to offer, what big monsters it hides and what cinematic scenario will unfold. I really loved it up until about the 20-hour mark. Fighting the same enemies every 5 meters and not really getting anything of value was a bit demotivating to say the least. Still, I really liked it, and this part of the game is why I'll probably finish some remaining quests.

The story, though, what happened there anyway? The story was like this: 5 little infiltration quests, go talk to this random guy, farm 15 stones, here you have a sword and boom, final boss. It all felt extremely rushed, underdeveloped and not really explained. Why did we have to fight the Talos? Who the hell is Phaesus? I reached Batahl and wanted to play the story just a tad bit more, and suddenly the credits rolled. The last 5 quests were so uneventful and sudden that I couldn't believe it, actually.

So the story is a point of criticism, but not a big one, because I didn't play the game for the story, but for the world, the exploration, and the gameplay. I enjoyed all of these aspects of the game, but they failed to create something that really stood out.

the wind is pushing me into another cave with some goblins and a roborant in it

Pretty solid, liked it enough to get all achievements. The late-game could be better(enemy variety, story rushes itself, exploration being rather fruitless later on) and it's very easy to get obscenely overpowered if you're a more thorough player. Post-game is pretty cool but doesn't have too much content going for it.
Judging by how piss-easy the game gets, I imagine this has a BBI-esque expansion that was being worked on simultaneously with core dev but we'll have to wait and see.