There's the nostalgia factor to this, but this is probably the first game I played, ever. No regrets. Thanks dad.

I love it. This is one of the best looking Zelda titles out there, the celshader really gives it a timeless look.
The slow start and the hand-holding is the old formula for 3D Zelda titles, so not much there to complain about.
The soundtrack is one of the best things about this game, probably my favorite from all the Zelda franchise, and that says a lot since there's a lot of bangers in it.

This kind of rogue-like game is not for me. It feels frustrating rather than rewarding to play this, and after a while I just lost interest in it.

This is a masterpiece. One of my favorite titles growing up, and people still play it to a competitive level, 20 years later.

This speaks volumes on the sheer quality built into it.

This game is amazing, I really love the art style. I really wanna pick it back up one day.

This game is made to be played with friends. If you don't play with your friends, I don't really see a point. The story is pretty much inexistant, the game just needs an explanation to why you're doing what you're doing.
The RPG elements are cool, with random drops and rarities, and skill trees which can really give a custom play style for every taste.

If you're interested in picking this up, just play with your friends expecting to have a good laugh and some fun, not much else.

This game's art style is fantastic. The soundtrack, the pixel art, everything fits the hectic gameplay perfectly to create a very unique game. It's definitely worth playing, even if the top-down 2D gameplay doesn't catch your attention at first, everything else is worth it.

Masterpiece. This is why games are considered a work of art. There's so much content into a single game people are still discovering new mechanics to this day.

The game is open and gives way more freedom to player than all the Zelda titles combined; this is a case where changing an era old formula went outstandingly well.

This game is a staple in my collection and I want to visit it for the years to come.

A very enjoyable experience, but the game hasn't quite aged as well as other older Rockstar titles. Still a great game, worth your time.

I love this game so much. I miss Nintendo magic nowadays.

Really enjoyable experience, amazingly written characters with an amazing plot twist for first comers. This game is amazing, specially if you're going into it without knowing ANYTHING. I guess this game really filled my determination, huh?

First of all I wanna say, this is not the kind of game I would play extensively, hence the 3.5 stars. That said:

I love the pixel art, the sound design and just the general atmosphere of the game, this game feels like coming home after a long day. "I wanted to want" to play more of this, because it's so calming!

10/10 makes me cry to this day.

I played this a ton growing up, and it's probably why I love FPS games to this day.