oh shit we’re anime now?!!! dope game fun time

awesome awesome awesome game and a great sendoff to the best series ever made

it’s actually a contender for worst game i’ve ever played.

deff not the cataclysmically bad pile of dogshit it’s described as lmao but it’s not good..

game is awesome y’all trippin

fun game! final boss sucks tho lmao

it’s deff ok! but doesn’t live up to 1

one of the games that shaped me. masterpiece

i mean it still rules but… kinda doesn’t.. but totally worth playing. godlike ost too

fuck yeah this rules but a little less than the first one

my heart will always break when i realize that this game will never ever ever get the love it deserves. a 10/10 fucking masterpiece that literally died on impact because of no advertisement or support from square. it’s a must play

best game on switch forreal it’s a must play one of the best srpgs ever made

its aight. it’s really a 6.5/10. it’s ok.

Update: after letting it sink in, it’s like a 4.