very dumb and pretty bad but also strangely alluring and addicting despite being dumb and inconsistent.

as someone obsessed with y2k culture this game is so damn hilarious and oddly kind of heartwarming and endearing. i am officially now a scholar on the history of coolpunk, coolfest '99, and the birth of the fungus scene.

hotline miami mixed with 2d zelda is actually surprisingly pretty good! pretty enjoyable and overall a solid game, i just didn't find it to be particularly innovative or anything. too cryptic to be an engaging action-adventure game and the combat has been done better in other hack and slash/top down shooter games.

the improvements over demon's souls here are massive; they fixed the soul/human form mechanic to something that doesn't suck, estus flask>>>>>>grass heals, the interconnected world, cutting world tendency entirely... shit's great. still has some major tedious bs though like capra demon, bed of chaos, etc., the boss runbacks aren't genuinely miserable like in DeS but they're still boring and too long imo.

huge improvement over limbo, the 2.5 visuals make the world so much more immersive and unsettling. more mechanics with controlling dudes, puzzles that don't require you to die 50 times to solve it, etc. while limbo was inferior to ico which obviously inspired it, i'd actually say this is better by virtue of it not having combat that sucks. great stuff

i pity the poor bastard that spent all their life savings in coins getting good enough to complete this damn game in arcades in the 80s. godspeed

never understood the hype for this game. it's just a slower version of nuclear throne; sure there's more polish and content overall but whenever i play this i just think "this isn't as fast-paced and chaotic as nuclear throne, i wish i was playing that" then i switch to that instead.


amazing sound design and great artstyle but that's all there really is going for this, the puzzles are kinda mid and the trial and error gameplay gets annoying. if you want a solid atmospheric puzzle platformer just play ico idk, i respect jensen's artistic vision but fumito ueda beat him to it years before and this is kinda too barebones to feel like any development of his ideas.

after morgott the game gets broken as shit but everything before that is pretty difficult but fair. suffers from some of the usual open world problems with copy-pasted bosses and content but there's just so much to do it doesn't bother me too much.

great game with huge combat improvements over DS but the blood vial healing system really drives me crazy with the farming you have to do if you use up too many and die on a boss. some of the boss runs are also a giant pain imo (i understand that having a gripe with boss runs automatically makes elden ring and sekiro the only souls games i can truly love since all the others have them, but so it goes). also the chalice dungeons are ass, change my mind (they feel lazy and i'd genuinely like the game more if they trimmed the fat and just cut them)

surprisingly enjoyable as hell. i don't think i've ever enjoyed any game made in the 80s this much other than mario 3; quite possibly the only arcade game i've played that is truly good and not mid. donkey kong trilogy, mario bros, pacman, galaga, etc. don't have shit on this.


"There ain’t no point to the game. He just go around. This shit is stupid as hell, man."

you shoot asteroids in this one. that's it

fantastic puzzle/mystery game; usually i suck ass at these types of games so some of the harder deductions were a real pain but i stuck with it and it was 100% worth it. sound design, gradual unfolding of the story, the whole watch mechanic... all great stuff.

conceptually enjoyable but the result of it doing so many genres with simple controls leads to a finished project with a scope that's a mile wide but an inch deep. the story is what keeps it going but after a while the switching of mechanics just gets kind of annoying. also the artstyle here just looks ugly to me, if it's intentional i suppose i understand but to me it just looks like a shitty miniclip flash game.