starts out feeling like a standard indie metroidvania but once you start digging deeper for secrets it gets fantastic. the egg puzzles are great and the third level of secrets (secret ending, bunnies, etc.) goes so ridiculously deep it's kind of incredible. if you do everything yourself you literally have to make irl origami. shit's great and i love it

great artstyle and vibes but there's only really like a few hours of gameplay here; the replay value is nice but there aren't that many enemies/builds so it just doesn't feel as replayable as the other roguelikes i've played.

takes a little bit to really get going but once it gets good it gets real good; the story still feels a little rushed overall but it's definitely as good as the first if not maybe a little better with its expanded world and improved combat/traversal

solid narrative exploration game, honestly could've been a graphic novel or animated film though. what i want from a video game is an experience no other medium can do and this isn't really the case with this

pretty fun and simple game. feels a little barebones and not worth playing for more than like 2 hours, but it's a good time while it lasts.

i usually shit on indie devs for somehow managing to be less creative than aaa devs (indie metroidvania/roguelikes etc.), but this is some next-level platforming that honestly even puts wario land 4 to shame. a certified banger

plenty of fun stuff here but the level design isn't quite as tight as 4 despite using the same mechanics; the motion controls are also tiring etc. (not as bad as skyward sword tho so it could be worse), i'd take it over 1 and 2 but it isn't quite as good as 3 or 4

improves on tons of gameplay stuff from the original and also has this hilarious element of metafiction going on with the story. namco literally told takahashi they would make a sequel with or without him so he made the whole concept of the game doing fan service (which is essentially what the game is in itself—unnecessary fan service). if you mess up fans will literally say "man katamari damacy is overrated tbh, mid game" and it's so funny. it's kinda subversive for critiquing namco making a franchise out of a one-off fun game that happened to get popular and i love it

genuinely one of the most wildly creative games ever made and overall a great time to play; the jank can get a little overwhelming at times with the weird controls and physics but it's just so out there and original it balances out to a certified classic

three-day system leads to easily the best world, story, and lore of the series but also has gameplay drawbacks; the threat of having to redo dungeons if you take too long is just unnecessarily stressful. the whole fun of dungeon puzzles to me is just sitting around slowly figuring it out, but the time limit makes it even harder to just chill and focus

main campaign is as good as octo expansion and side order is a solid roguelite campaign, what more could you ask for? what's that, there's a multiplayer mode in this? what are you talking about

certified banger of a game and an underrated nintendo classic. luckily pizza tower is bringing this series more of its deserved attention; makes the nsmb series look like it was outsourced to a C-tier dev

fantastic traversal and combat but that's basically it. story is lame, qte sequences are dumb and it's a generic ubisoft copy-paste world


i understand ueda's design by subtraction philosophy from an artistic perspective but the result of it is combat and movement that suck donkey dick. similar to sotc the vibes are incredible but the gameplay is kinda ass

all the same frustrating stuff from 2 is here making save states necessary to not lose your mind, but the metroidvania-type design and sense of discovery is so good it rises above its predecessors