indie devs working at mcdonalds if this and rogue never came out

the gold standard of 2d mario if we pretend yoshi's island doesn't exist

three-day system leads to easily the best world, story, and lore of the series but also has gameplay drawbacks; the threat of having to redo dungeons if you take too long is just unnecessarily stressful. the whole fun of dungeon puzzles to me is just sitting around slowly figuring it out, but the time limit makes it even harder to just chill and focus

i usually shit on indie devs for somehow managing to be less creative than aaa devs (indie metroidvania/roguelikes etc.), but this is some next-level platforming that honestly even puts wario land 4 to shame. a certified banger

if you think botw has an empty open world you haven't seen shit son

usually not a big fan of narrative-heavy movie games with mid gameplay but this somehow manages to rise above the rest (it's that twin peaks factor that makes it real good)



i understand ueda's design by subtraction philosophy from an artistic perspective but the result of it is combat and movement that suck donkey dick. similar to sotc the vibes are incredible but the gameplay is kinda ass

some of the best dungeon design in the series but everything else is ass

did more to revolutionize the mario series than 64 imo. some of the smoothest platforming i've ever played and it came out decades ago

very stupid dumb game. thoroughly enjoyed it

miyamoto himself basically said this game is bad. fuck this shit

genuinely amazing but some of those motion control shrines are awful man