A much more focused experience than Spider-man 2018. I think it's better for it. Less filler!

A game where you're rewarded for actually having patience and learning the combat. Once you master the combat, the game becomes easy. It's a fantastic feeling that's hard to come by in modern gaming.

A game with a massive budget, that's unlike any other massive budget game out there.

Lots of strange gimmicky levels, but because you can play all the old levels, these work for me.

Lots of lateral changes from Monster Hunter World, but still fantastic. MUCH BETTER MULTIPLAYER.

It's like a big summer blockbuster in a game. Lacks subtext, but is exploding with fun.

About on par with the other Luigi's Mansions. It's fun for about 5 hours and then gets super repetitive. Great level design, but the gameplay becomes a snore.

Nemesis system rocks, but the rest of the game is serviceable.

So many issues.

The concept is great.
No reliable fast-forward is a huge oversight.
The story and reveal is AWFUL. Plus it's not fun to "finish" the game.

Suprised it still holds up more than 15 years later. The platforming and combat isn't great, but everything else about the game RULES.

Loved the slow pace of the start of the game and how it slowly escalates over time to an absurdly cool eat the rich philosophy.
The nighttime sequences I could have done without since they're super hard to see what the heck is going on.

There is a myriad of issues plaguing this game, but the overall loop is very fun and I never got tired of leveling up Talon... well until the end game, which I still have a desire to keep playing even though it's more gritty than fun.

Cute game, but not the best VR game. May as well watch a playthrough honestly.

There were barely any puzzles in this game. Most of the time they were frustrating. The story is neat and I love the interface, but the gameplay was a snore.

A long-awaited sequel that delivers on almost every level. Better story, better writing, better gameplay, and better graphics.