All together not an incredibly good game, but very stylish and can be very fun with its combat. Much more interesting since this is the only other game that uses the Killer7 artstyle

Resident Evil 4 with boner jokes

Hella swagalicious hella dopeness

Excellent artstyle, aesthetic and soundtrack, gameplay just doesn't reach that high bar.

Game would be 1000 times better if the boat section just didn't exist

Game is the absolute definition of a perfect sequel. Levels are more challenging but fair, music is fantastic, characters are all well done and fun to play as, all leading to one of the most replayable indie games of all time.

Hands down the best open world game ever made.

Once the honeymoon phase for me finally settled down for this game, it really is just one of the most "okay" Halo games that could come out. It's by no means bad, but it's also not really special, if anything it's more frustrating because this game has so many hallmarks that could make it a great game that could stand with the original Bungie titles, but every turn it could make it just falls flat. The gameplay itself is just okay, the multiplayer isn't all that enjoyable and the campaign, while having it's high bars again, doesn't really do anything new or feel special. It's the best game 343i has put out yet, but that's not a high bar at all.