Something something best shooter of all time etc. etc.
I mean it isn't, but it is very good. Not implementing a map editor or modding support was a complete mistake because the current levels, while good, could have been taken even further creatively with an active community creating custom content.

Honestly the actual swordfighting is a bit shit when you dig into it but the visceral feedback from everything elevates it and it differentiates itself from the Souls formula just enough to be enjoyable in it's own right. It's really fun to try and figure out how to get past impossible odds with the tools you're given. Probably the hardest time I've ever had with a final boss, if only because it's an endurance test as well (and because I've given up on genuinely harder games before I even reach their final boss). Final levels get a bit annoying but again, I love the options you have to trick your way past everything.
Demon of Hatred can fuck itself though. Easily the worst From boss pre-Elden Ring.

Just a fun game to blast through. Jungle still looks lush today. Gameplay is a little outplayed at this point but felt gritty/realistic at the time. Still has a pretty decent focus on mobility compared to something like Gears of War. Sully is a cool dude.

Still can't believe this game actually exists. THE best cutscenes and soundtrack of ANY game no contest. Final Boss is the second GOAT just behind Bayonetta. Gameplay isn't Platinum's best mechanically but has it's own unique flow to it - focking love ripping spines, me.
What a special game. Impossible not to have fun if you even slightly enjoy action games.

Being a transitional period between the old and new style of FPS games, this has a pretty cool mix of gameplay styles that feels tactical while still being able to do the wanky bhopping-across-the-map thing. Like Quake, the original campaign does a good job by itself but the custom levels are really where it's at.

Still the tightest over-the-shoulder shooter while being one of the first to do it. Constantly switching itself up, this never gets boring over the 15ish hours of your first playthrough. You'll be hard pressed to forget any single room in this game which is helped by how replayable the whole thing is from back to front.
The cutscenes have the perfect balance between serious and cheesy, and was the best to do quotable lines it before Metal Gear Rising would supercharge this. Closest a AAA-game has come to being faultless while still doing so much.

Despite a faltering second half, this sells the experience so well that you'll just play it anyway. This game just pulls completely unique levels and scenarios out of it's ass like it's nothing. Responsible for allowing at least some mainstream games to try being challenging again (for better or for worse).

This game created an entire movement behind it. While the actual mechanics aren't as refined as they could be in retrospect (doors and hitboxes don't always seem to connect), and the hospital level is near-unbearable, this is still one of THE indie games that completely changed the scene forever. Responsible for making synthwave cool for a few years.

EASILY one of the best-designed multiplayer shooters of all time. Even after all of the hats, the items, the shit competitive mode, the death of the (good) community, this is still the king in my eyes. Just take me back, man.

The story as it is presented to you doesn't always hit the mark but the backstory for this place and the parallels to real-life philosophy are expertly done. Very fascinating 'what-if' scenario despite the supernatural elements.
The hacking minigame is unbelievably shit, however, and you have to do it so much that I can guarantee whoever had to implement that system in isolation is still embarrassed about how much the designers forced everyone to play it.
Also not a fan of the sudden inflated enemy health pools past a certain point, making what are already pretty crap-feeling weapons feel even worse to use. It's not really the point but it's still frustrating. The progress for the camera is also frustratingly slow considering how much it stalls the flow.
Rapture is exceptional though. A perfect follow-up to the Von Braun and easily makes me reinstall even if I don't often finish my playthroughs.

There will never be a game as widely-played as this. ANY game that I can get my fucking grandmother to play is an absolute achievement. This sold the Wii to anyone who doubted it until they started using the Wiimote for the first time. I don't think any game will get literally every single demographic on-board again. The beautiful sound/GFX/UI makes this timeless as well. Bowling is the best.

No introduction necessary. In retrospect I do miss the simplicity of the original game (some weapons here are superfluous) but this is endlessly replayable fun. The first game is packaged into this one anyway and you can mod out the new stuff, so really you get the best of both worlds.
I still have my Bills Hat in TF2.

Since superseded by Ultimate but at the time the package on offer here was fucking unreal. Was my favourite game at one point.

It's Miney Crafta! Countless great memories of this game with friends, though the final state and 'story' as it were ended up a little poorly done. The hunger mechanic is easily the most poorly-implemented thing they've ever done. Among other decisions it seems that each new addition has a chance to improve or hinder the overall experience.
Still, no game does what Minecraft does as well as Minecraft does, and the countless modes and mods make it easy to just completely disregard anything you dislike entirely.
insert """song""" about diamonds or creepers or some shit here