faea gaming: December 2023

Nothing here!

Disco Elysium: The Final Cut
Disco Elysium: The Final Cut
In Progress
you guys I spent the best part of 2 entire sessions just talking to Joyce this is gonna take me a LONG time to get through
Elden Ring
Elden Ring
In Progress
I'm exhausted - 18 hours into a replay and I've yet to see anything that's halfway interesting on more than a visual level. Souls's simple combat works because the enemies feel like part of the levels themselves, while Elden Ring constantly breaks itself open into big empty spaces to let you fight the big guys with swords *without* thinking about the level itself. It's boring!!
Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight
Completed (Review)
112% done, love my little bug game
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Completed (not really, I just rolled credits lol)
It's fun, just doesn't feel quite there for me. Castle is really well put together, but just a little too big to make re-exploring fun. Combat is fine, but doesn't feel quite tight enough for bosses and the rpg elements lean more into 'damage tank through these guys' than giving me cool wacky shit to use. Phoning it in at inverted castle because i don't think walking into a room and getting immediately knocked out again is very fun
System Shock 2
System Shock 2
I wish the melee worked more than half the time, I wish enemies didn't spout off goofy voicelines constantly in what feels like is trying to be a horror game, I wish hacking and repairing (and assumedly maintenance and everything else) didn't all share the exact same minigame. I tried to manual save as little as possible in SS1, in this game I've been instakilled round corners or soloed by monkeys or the wrench mutant decides to hit me twice instead of recoiling for like 8 seconds so much that I'm hard saving all the tension out of the game. Apparently it gets good x hours in or something so I'm gonna drop it now and come back on a fresh save a bit later I think
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid
Only played the intro, got taken out of the routine I'd have used to play this game and my brain won't let me get back on it so hopefully next year!
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII
In Progress
tifa you did not just say that :(
Completed (started November 2023)
Really cool! Story is really interesting, though I feel like I got what I wanted out of it before doing C and D. I also kiinda regret using a guide for the weapons, but at the same time idk if I'd ever have done it organically. Emil :)
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
In Progress (started May 2023)
of COURSE the day i get back into this is the SAME DAY my X BUTTON (the ATTACK BUTTON) starts to break. i love joycons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
System Shock
System Shock
Completed (Review)
Look if an entire corporation's worth of people started misgendering me like that I'd be in a bit of a bad mood as well
Dark Souls II
Dark Souls II
Completed (review)
more like MID souls 2 ‼️ 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The Exit 8
The Exit 8
My brother is an avid tiktok denizen and wanted to show me this "viral game" he found. Never saw the appeal of the "liminal spaces" (or dare I say backrooms *shudders*) sort of aesthetic and I'm not very attentive so a """liminal""" """""horror""""" spot the difference game is obviously not gonna appeal to me lol


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