327 Reviews liked by felipelee

QUE DOR FOI TERMINAR ISSO. Infelizmente minha experiência foi bastante prejudicada pelo modo história cansativo, a quantidade gigantesca de personagens se tornou um problema por conta disso, muitas campanhas simplesmente não se conectavam corretamente ou eram bobas demais e completamente descartáveis. Gameplay excelente e dinâmico, personagens com estilos e ritmo totalmente distintos e todos bem balanceados. OST impecável e empolgante como sempre. Queria ter gostado mais.

Eu estava olhando jogos de ps3 pra jogar e eu achei esse jogo e pensei "akibas trip?!, deve ser um jogo rpg slice of life com aspectos sobrenaturais", comecei a jogar o jogo e veio um carinha e começou a bater em mim e rasgou minha roupa, eu peguei um violão e comecei a bater nele até ele ficar quase pelado, então eu percebi que o trip não era de viagem e sim strip.


I really don't know

If i could at least play with my friends would make this game better

O jogo é divertido do jeito que ele é, mais devido a eu não ter acesso aos leveis criados pela comunidade eu sinto que acabei perdendo muita coisa boa :\

Só não recebe 5 estrelas porque a versão ultimate existe <3

More promising than great, but I enjoy it quite a bit. Presents a different approach to victory conditions that I really like and will make me look at the genre differently from here on out.

Extremamente divertido, mas com problemas bem fortes que diminuem mt ele.

O mais legal dele é o feeling de exploração e o combate, onde ele faz ambos bem melhor que a maioria dos zeldas, e tbm a sensação de maestria qnd você domina o combate.

Ja o mais irritante é a apelação dele de resetar o progresso qnd as vidas acabam (toscão), e o exagero de encontros com inimigos enquanto tenta explorar.

First of all, the fact that this game is made by one person is impressive, the amount of work put into this is truly amazing.
The gameplay is great, the progression with the guns and tools fells good throughout the whole game, you can go back to prior areas and explore again like any metroidvania. In special i want to highlight the eletric wrench, it makes go through enviroments SO much better.
The downside is that the Perks system is kinda irrelevant, you don't have much reason to get more materials since you'll be ending up using only one perk.
The most surprsing for me was how deep the narrative went, how well thought were the caracters. They even had interesting critics about what can happen when people make lies about god entities just to pray on others, but in the end it goes TOO deep and gets confusing , also too many boss fights, fortuntelly there is a relaxed mode to blast through them.

In short : a great metroidvania with unique narrative for indie games, all made by ONE person, just go play it, this work deserve to be seen by more people.

it has good Golf, also good story, seems about right. But a very charming and entertaining indie game with a lot more that you would imagine, it's a hole in one.

A maior tristeza é que quase todos os minigames são muito legais, inclusive os que usam os sensores de movimento dos Joy-Con, mas a variedade de tabuleiros é ínfima e o tamanho e qualidade deles não justifica também.

This is one of those games that makes you say "This has no right to be as good as it is". Before borrow this game from a friend, I had never played a tactical game like this. But, as a sucker for all things Mario, it intrigued me. And I'm glad it did.

The blend of Rabbids and Mario works extremely well. The antics of Rabbids almost temper the crazy of the Mario characters, but it works well when they bounce off each other. The combat was entirely new to me, but is extremely complex and well thought out. It requires you to think about positioning and not just power, making for some very enjoyable strategy.

The weapons and customization for every character was great, especially the skill tree progression. Story wise it's nothing amazing, but it's good fun for a game with Rabbids at its focus.

Actually a gem, don't be fooled by the fact that it's a licensed game. Consistently entertaining puzzles and a hard mode that actually switches up the design of the game instead of just fiddling with numbers!

This was made by Mikami before he went on to create the Resident Evil series. I haven't played any RE game, but this is better than all of them.

(Played via Ace Attorney Trilogy on PS4)
Still a mastapeece. It just gets better with every case. I don't care if Rise from the Ashes is too long, it's the best case with the most intriguing story in the game and many amazing twists. Also both endings (Case 4 and Case 5) gave me the feels just like the first time I played the game.
I have so much love for this game, man. It's amazing characters and their development throughout the game, it's amazing soundtrack and how it perfectly sets the tone to everything that is happening, it's amazing sense of humor that brings numerous hilarious and iconic moments. I think this is a game that everybody should experience, even if you don't like visual novels at least give this a try and I guarantee you're gonna find something about this game that you will like.
Also Edgeworth invented character development.