Numbered Final Fantasy Games Rankings

Im counting remakes but not remasters typically unless it changes enough to change how I feel about it. Also only numbered entries cause if i tried to rank every game that has the name final fantasy on it we would be here all day.

just an amazing game in every way shape and form. Sometimes the popular ones are popular for a reason.
this is first basically out of personal preference. sphere grid is great and the story is an all time classic. Games a bit linear in comparison to other games but its fine and doesn't really bother me at all.
I really like the twist on gameplay that they did. I really have to replay cause when i last played it was when chapter 13 was in its release state. Annoyed you have to watch a 3 hour movie for context into the start of the game and the game still doesn't give the full plot. Now that its had DLC canceled its world will never be fully fleshed out and that makes me big sad.


a little basic cause its the first one of the series but a great baseline for the series.


The skill system is only marginally better then the Job system in 3. However it still sucks and is a pain to interact with.


Job system sucks. fairly generic story.


A classic. great story and great mechanics.


classic. Nice to get back to the more "traditional" ff setting after a few games with more magictek theming. great story and combat.


At the bottom cause ive yet to play it. Only numbered one i havent gotten to, with the pixel remasters ill get to it eventually.


cast is a little bloated but i love how every character feels unique. great story and combat.


after going back to this again, I dont know what I was thinking. 8 is unplayable garbage.


didn't like it. ive bounced off the combat 3 separate times. I'm willing to give it another try as the part 2 remake comes closer but ive still yet to finish it or come close.


Dress and job system was meh and combat was overall underwhelming.


The original version of this game is way too obtuse and confusing. I dont mind the change to more MMO styled combat.


i like this game more then most the paradigm system is cool. I just wish you didnt need a glossary to have even any clue of whats happening in the plot.


The job classes make the license system make sense. Storys pretty great too.


At the bottom cause ive yet to play it. Given the reviews im in no rush to


At the bottom cause ive yet to play it. Given the reviews im in no rush to


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