One of the opening fights feels like a direct homage to the famous hallway battle in Oldboy, which means I can finally experience what it’s like to be Dae-Su Oh without sleeping with a family member

Diss-On-Her made me realize that I need more quality Bioshock-lite games in my life

I switched to the first-person aiming mode and my girlfriend let out a shriek of pure, unbridled terror at the janky jpeg of Buzz Lightyear's winking "reflection"

She Jak on my Daxter til that Precursor is my Legacy

But for real, whoever designed the double jump in this game needs to be hung in a dank medieval dungeon by their thumbs

On one hand I hate rhythm minigames, on the other hand I love Kingdom Hearts

At least they’ve learned from that unplayable Huey, Dewey, and Louie ice cream minigame from BBS that locked me out of Ventus’ campaign for two years of my adult life

The Nemoidians in here talk like your average fantasy NPC instead of being racist caricatures so that’s a -1 for lore accuracy and a +1 for common sense

There was a moment early on where I got jump scared by a tutorial video because you basically get ambushed by them for the first fifteen minutes without any context for the world or story beforehand

Also, it's a great sign when you're less than two hours in and feel like you've seen everything the game has to offer

That split-in-half enemy that throws a cross at you and I have an unspoken beef, it's on sight anytime we get in the same room together

No respect whatsoever

The fact that an IGN writer played this and had nothing to say about it so they plagiarized another review is mind-boggling to me

Dead Cells is so fun, creative, silly, and does so much to keep your attention that I couldn’t imagine having to use someone else’s words to describe it

Also I love how The Beheaded walks into the doors for new areas like Jar-Jar Binks, just letting his arms sway with every step

At first I was like “brother my brother, tell me what are we fighting for” but then the boss fight in the ice world happened and I’ve now decided that Donkey Kong must be subjected to torture methods that violate both animal and human rights

If I ever feel bad about my inability to give helpful advice or instructions, I can rest easy knowing that I didn’t program the Yoshi Race or its tutorial from this game

The way I was begging on my hands and knees and frothing at the mouth for one of the pieces of collectible memorabilia to be Mickey’s keyblade

I need Kingdom Hearts content like Tetsuya Nomura needs zippers

Not my type of game but I vibed with the atmosphere, got spooked a couple times, and thought some of the theming was done well even though a lot of it felt like that scene in Wreck-It Ralph 2 when he gets mean comments

Best of all it’s FREEEEEEEEEEEE

This game is like the end result I was hoping for when I unsuccessfully tried to run Runescape on my Wii so it could be blown up on my family’s TV back in middle school

This is the best thing to come out of the Prince of Persia series since those badass tie-in Lego sets for the 2010 movie

Shoutout to MLK for giving me the day off when this dropped, he fulfilled my dream