one of the single best jrpg stories ive experienced, i never thought it would be possible for something to trump xenoblade chronicles 1-3 in my mind, but i've found it. nihon falcom just continues to surprise me with the effort and care and passion within their games, and im happily looking forward to playing the third installment in this trilogy.

update: not as great as the first playthrough

perfect definition of short and sweet, found myself messing up a lot though bc the controls were a bit floaty

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i really liked this game!!!! during the first 2 islands i saw a lot of potential for this formula and i still wanna see more of sonic in open areas because it lends very well to his moveset and everything!!! but starting from island 3 onward, it really starts to go downhill i feel like; the forced 2d perspective on a lot of the obstacles felt unnecessary and the island also just felt a little... boring? and having island 4 just be a story island was genuinely disappointing. and the pinball mini game can eat my dick.

my thoughts are the same with a lot of the cyberspace levels which i thought would be my favorite part of the game! but a lot of them just didnt feel great to control nor go through. im spewing off a lot of complaints but my positives are very positive, such as the movement system and the way sonic feels, because god its so refreshing and fun to run around and jump through these fun little obstacle courses while trying to process half the stuff that you just zoomed past. it feels like a new formula that works!! and i really want sega to look at the criticisms this game has gotten and improve on them in a second entry.

the super sonic fights are also another shining positive that i absolutely loved to bits; granted it was mostly because of the music and visuals but ill let that slide for now. having a head banger play while youre mashing away at your buttons seeing sonic destroy the fuck outta some big ass robot made me a little giddy because i was so into it im not gonna lie.

overall, sonic frontiers is an extremely 7/10 game in the best way possible. it has it's fair share of flaws and frustrating moments, but if you enjoy the main gameplay loop of collecting items and exploring while going fast, you're set for a good time

dunno why i like this but i do, and if the 5 star reviews needs justification i have an actual tattoo with art from this game on myself

a joy to play and a perfect evolution of the metroid franchise, hope we get more games like this :)

Yo-Kai Watch was a fun romp through what is essentially a game-sized episode of a TV show. The characters and Yo-Kai designs are cute and fun, and the plot isn't anything too great, but that's to be expected within a kids game. The world was overall my favorite part and I just loved exploring and looking in every little nook and cranny possible. The only downside is the combat and the game can get somewhat repetitive and boring. Other than that, a very solid game.

infinitely better than anything the main game and the first dlc has to offer

Solid start to the series; has issues such as putting platforming in a hack n' slash game which made me cry a little bit on the inside, and also the game being a little too dark at times. (Although that might just be my TV) Combat could feel a little stiff at times, and story could've been better, but I overall enjoyed my time.

i was about 40 hours into this until my switch account got banned lol

the premise is cute! thats about all the good things i can say bc this game is dog water ngl

a AA title that lacks some polish in a couple of areas, but from my experience it could be quite visually striking at points due to it's charm. it brings characters to life by having them respond to a natural disaster in, well, a natural way. it brings the world to life and gives it a lot more depth. some sections can be tedious and there are moments of intense emotional whiplash, but other than that, i enjoyed my time with dr4.