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Once I hit a point that I had to sneak past security drones I was done. This game handles really well and feels great in the first few hours, but very quickly devolves into a pretty flat story and that should be driving my repetitive "turn the power on" bs over and over - but it just gets more boring.

Edit: A next-gen patch dropped so I'll just finish it now that the 30fps won't make me barf in my helmet.

Started the demo - kinda interested kinda not? Need to give it some time and pass the opening threshold

The best part of this kind of game is that you can commit very little time to it here and there if you want to keep things progressing before BED TIME when you get to throw 2-3 hours in.
I knew absolutely nothing about this game going into it, other than it was a brainpunk visual novel. I'm glad I did because the tone of the game/ANIME-ASS SHIT the refuses not to be horny or make dad-jokes about how japanese pronunciations of certain words sound like different things.
I tend to go as hard as I can on speech-related character options in the RPG's that allow for it, so I've found that this "lower level of interaction" in visual novels is not dissimilar to how I engage with games that give me the choice to play them that way.
Something is wrong with my brain because I saw this on game pass and said "nice, i can try one of these newer more interesting visual novels for free" - then a few months later after never playing it, I saw that it was $9 on switch. Knowing how much better of an experience this kind of game is for me on switch, I just went for it.
About 6 hours in the same problematic part of my brain got 13 Sentinels overnighted to my house. I didn't choose to expedite the shipping that way, but I needed more of this kind of game in my life.
Didn't even realize a sequel just came out.

Originally played the series as they came out on Playstation. Worth a replay with the update.

i think people didn't like this one but i really did. Always a DMC fan until 5 which I think I just need to start over

smoked a bowl of opium and played in one sitting

This game made me nauseous and really isn't fun.

I was disappointed I bought it, but maybe it helped fund Hyper Light Breakers lol

My wife Karen has no idea where I've been.

For kids on the bus whose top 5 cars are "Lamborghini, Lamborghini, Lamborghini, Lamborghini, Lamborghini"

Such an important game to me. I was always terrible at snes but my friend, his older brother, and weird uncle played it when I’d hang out and it opened up a whole thing for me

Love this game. Plays phenomenally. Created a character to play the "stupid" playthrough which is something I've never done!

Great atmosphere and vibe, pleasant to play through. I stopped at the last boss because I kind of burnt myself out too fast. Might pick up to roll credits.

Played through using each available class - machinist stinks!