The game to really get me into story games (I’m not much of a gamer)

Best Mario game IMO. Absolutely iconic I wish it just transferred better on the switch :(

How does this only have a 3.6 what?!?!?! This game is my childhood wtf


Fun and unique. Felt lacking in a story though

3rd best Mario game. The visuals are actually insane for the switch tbhhhhh

Used to be fun for a while now it’s just fetuses playing this game

Underrated I don’t get the hate

The world is very fun but yet another lackluster

It’s just a fun party game and never disappoints to have fun for everyone

It had so much potential. It was fun for while it lasted, but it was short. Game died very quickly

I don’t know which is better this or the first. It’s honestly tied for me

Sure it’s slow but it rocks

Not better than 2018 spider man. A lot of bad villain choices but it still has its charm