dylan is easily my favorite supermassive character, so by default quarry is the best supermassive game bc it's the only game w him

worst fire emblem game for sure the only positive thing i can say abt it are the supports between nohr and hoshido characters (leokumi mostly)

definitely one of the best fire emblem games i played so far though i really disliked the dungeons and gameplay could have been better.

slightly better than conquest but still not good storywise. gameplay is fine. corrin is still the worst fe avatar.

i still prefer conquest bc of the characters

best fire emblem game ever bc it has henry the bestest boy ever

it's a horrible game i hate it and i think everyone should play it for leo i 100% recommend

at first i didn't think very highly of the game as it seemed boring and predictable but it really isn't, i ended up enjoying it a lot, the gameplay is amazing and the characters are fun, likeable and interesting (although most are not very deep)
i do recommend to play at least once, eventually i'm gonna try to get all (or as many as i can) routes
for the first i chose roland's option bc he's my fav and i simply wanted to go with him lol. i didn't agree with him and i didn't like his ending but well, i'd do anything for a pretty blondie /s. jokes aside he's actually a very interesting and well written character, a lot more so than others in my opinion. he's just not the person people want him to be.

i don't know how to feel about this game. it isn't bad. the characters were alright. they were interesting and likeable. story was fine too. but it's just not as good as the first one.
i liked the gameplay especially ellie's.
abby was surprising. i thought i would hate her but i just .. can't.
overall i guess i liked it but i'm probably never gonna play it again it's just not good enough for that

took me months to finish it bc i kept forgetting to play also i got a bit bored of it
it was fine but the story was weak and the gameplay got very repetitive at the end

but it gave me my boys alfred diamant kagetsu and alcryst so i can't complain

best final fantasy game i am in love with clive


liked it a lot more than three houses but story is still not satisfying. feels uncomplete and some characters were disappointing compared to their houses version (looking at you, claude). gameplay was fun and i loved the support conversations more in this game. but the best thing about it is definitely shez. my silly little merc.