Super charming walking sim. Reminded me of "A Series of Unfortunate Events", which would also be a fitting title for this game. Wish that house existed in real life, so I could go there.

Neat lil boss rush game with great pixel art graphics! Enjoyed the first half, cause after that it felt like the difficulty went up a couple of notches, and it got just too hard for me. The bosses seem very well designed, but they may have had a tad bit too much health for my taste. I've heard people complain that the game is unfair, but I think it's one of those games where you just have to put in the time. Whenever I died it felt like my own mistake. Interesting little world with a quest system similar to metroidvanias like Blasphemous and Hollow Knight, but way simpler. Combat felt like a roguelike with soulslike elements. I feel like calling the game Eldest Souls was a discredit to itself, because it makes it sound like a parody or a cheap ripoff. I think the game could've standed well enough of it's own without marketing it as a "Souls" game.

I am quite biased when it comes to Fallout 3, because it was both my first shooter and first 18+ game. I was probably around 11 years old, and I vividly remember buying a Paysafe card (anyone remember those?) at 7-11 , so I could buy it behind my parents back. My first playthrough of this game is such a fond memory, as I remember being completely immersed in it, and I couldn't think about anything else when I was at school or when going to bed. Everything about it felt so real to me.

Replaying it now was fun, but it felt like more of a slog towards the end. I thought the main story was a lot more boring than what I did as a kid, except for the Tranquility Lane quest. That one's fun.
The exploration is my favorite part of the game. It's really the side-quests that make this game fun, and just walking around discovering random encounters or grisly locations too. This might be my least favorite Fallout game at this point (tied with 4), but damn if the Capital Wasteland and it's weird ass characters aren't just so cool. Also I want to marry Sierra Petrovita.

I don't have much to say with this one. It's ok I guess? It adds barely anything to the already mediocre main story. I just find it really boring, but might be because Fallout 3's iteration of the Brotherhood of Steel is my least favorite. Best parts about it is that it lets you continue playing after beating the main quest and that it increases the level cap.

Fallout 3's best DLC! Still doesn't hold a candle to any New Vegas DLC though I'm afraid. I love the new area, and most of the quests are pretty decent. Remember this being way scarier than it actually was, but it's still a neat little horror themed adventure. Punga power

This one just feels so unecessary. Aliens in Fallout has always been a thing, but it's only been in the form of hidden encounters. This DLC kinda ruins that by showing you too much. It doesn't feel like Fallout at all. The spaceship is just extremely boring to explore, and the aliens feel way too tanky. It's a bit better than Anchorage, just because it actually has characters and a story. I like the samurai though. He is cool.

I have a soft spot for this DLC, but replaying it now many years later I'm kind of disappointed. It's very short, and it feels rushed. The story is interesting at first, but ends up being very anticlimactic. I do adore the look and feel of it though. The areas look super cool and grimy, I'd say it even rivals the base games Capital Wasteland in disgustiness. It also has some of the cooler looking armor sets in the game.
I also kind of love the idea of a Brotherhood of Steel paladin getting left behind to die, and then proceeding to take over an entire city. Overall a decent DLC, but lacking in content. I'd love to see them revisit The Pitt later in the series. (I know it's in Fallout 76, but I've heard it's pretty sucky)

Probably the worst Fallout DLC of all time. It just feels pointless and boring. It's literally only combat, which isn't exactly the most fun part about Fallout 3. I think they should've used this setting for something more interesting. Only good part is getting the sweet new gear.


This game is a piece of art. I don't think I've ever played any survival horror game as unique as it. I pretty much like everything about it. Amazing visuals and art, great spine-chilling soundtrack, and a very intriguing but also nightmarish story that reminded me at times of the works of Junji Ito and Kazuo Umezu. There was really only one aspect of the game i didn't particularly care for, and it was the puzzles. The puzzles are just way too hard and obtuse, but I actually admire the Project Siren team for having the guts to make them that way. The whole timeloop/stage-select mechanic was extremely confusing at first, but I grew to enjoy it. The british voiceover was also quite off-putting, but after a while I found it to be a bit charming. Siren will probably be a game I'll revisit down the line, as it has easily become one of my favorites.

Wow that final choice was far less difficult than I remembered it being

It's better than the other dlc (not by much tbh), the monster is cool looking, and it's a neat little teaser for Alan Wake 2. I feel like this could've also just been a sidequest.

This could've just been a sidequest. It's not bad, but didn't really add anything for me

This game rocks. This is one of those exploration games where you need to take notes to keep track of your progress, and I've never felt more satisfied piecing together the pieces of the puzzle on my own. If you get stuck I recommend asking the KIRA LLC discord server for a hint, at least that is what I did. Some of the clues for the "final" areas were especially obtuse. I didn't realize you could move quicker around the map if you use the mousewheel until I was nearly at the end.

I've been a fan of the SCP foundation since my early teens, so this was a treat. The combat is very satisfying, and I wish more triple-A games had physics based gameplay like this. The story is just okay, but I adored the presentation. Cool visuals everywhere, and the live-action segments didn't seem out of place at all. I had fun with this! Playing the dlc next.

Holy crap this was good! The art and music are beautiful, and I loved the cutscenes, they made me hyped for what was coming. Very fun, short and sweet metroidvania. Played the game on normal difficulty and can't say I really had any trouble until they introduced the Metroids. The whole area leading up to the "final boss" almost felt like survival horror, the way they made you rush a lot of rooms in a row without allowing you to rest. THE MOTHER BRAIN FIGHT MADE ME SCREAM

The whole endgame area was super cool, and suddenly it becomes stealth game. It wasn't even in the NES original as far as I know. I really liked the hiding mechanic and chase sequences. When you finally get your suit back, you feel so goddamn frickin' powerful. This was my first time playing a Metroid game, and I have a feeling I'm gonna love this series.